Iraq after the Muslim Conquest - Michael G. Morony

(Ann) #1

herpat (M.P.), hirbad (N.P.): a Magian priest responsible for instruc-
tion in the liturgy, loanword in Arabic as hirbadh.
hom (M.P.): haoma, the sacred plant and beverage used in the Magian
~urriis (Ar.): watchmen or the nightwatch in cities, or sentries who
guarded walls and gates.
<ilj (Ar., pI. <ulUj): a person of low social status.
imiim (Ar.): the "leader" of Islamic public worship, also used for
Muslim rulers.
imiin (Ar.): religious belief or faith.
irjii' (Ar.): suspending or postponing judgment.
jabariyya (Ar.): "compulsion," tyranny.
jarfb (Ar.): a unit of area equal to sixty square cubits (Ar. dhirii<a)
which varied according to the length of the cubit. The jartb based
on the royal cubit of about 66.6 cm. was 1592 square meters.
jihiid (Ar.): making an effort on behalf of God; religiously sanctioned
warfare by Muslims against unbelievers.
jizya (Ar.): tribute or ransom, came to be used for poll tax paid by
non-Muslim subjects of the Islamic state. It is probably cognate
with 15zttii (A.) which was used as a term for the land tax and
went into Middle Persian as gazttak.
jund (Syr.?): army, possibly a loanword in Arabic from godii (Syr.),
"band," "group," "Wing of the army."
kiifir (Ar.): an unbeliever from the Muslim point view.
kiihin (Ar.): a pagan soothsayer or priest, also used for Christian priests
in Arabic.
kiitib (Ar., pI. kuttiib): an administrative secretary.
khaltfa (Ar.): deputy or lieutenant.
khariij (A.): taxes. This term seems to be a loanword in Arabic from
keriigii (A.) but was assimilated to the Arabic root kiN-j. There
is a difference of opinion over whether it should be derived ul-
timately from choregia (Gr.) or ilku (Ak.).
khii??a (Ar.): special, elite, private; opposite of <iimma (Ar.), public,
common, general.
khVetodiit (M.P.): con sanguinous marriage as practiced by Magians.
khutba (Ar.): the sermon or speech usually given by the Islamic ruler
or governor, often at public worship.
keriigii (A.): the term for poll tax in Sasanian Iraq.
kufr (Ar.): unbelief.

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