Iraq after the Muslim Conquest - Michael G. Morony

(Ann) #1

taylasan (M.P.?): a stole, used as a loanword in Arabic from talashan
(M.P. or N.P.) and in Aramaic as talshana.
thiqa (Ar., pI. thiqat): trustworthy, reliable.
tunna' (A.?): local landowners, probably a loanword in Arabic (sg.
umm walad (Ar.): "mother of a child," a slave concubine who acquires
a special status by bearing children to her master.
'ummal: see 'ami!.
'ushr (Ar.): the tithe tax paid by Muslims.
us tan (M.P.): Sasanian royal property, the form of ostan (M.P.) used
in Arabic.
ustandar (M.P.): a Sasanian official in charge of royal property or a
crown province, from ostandar (M.P.).
vaspuhrakan (M.P., sg. vaspuhr): "distinguished," "prominent," royal
princes and members of the Sasanian high nobility.
waft (Ar.): "full weight," used for dirhams, supposed to be equal to
a mithqal but actually lighter, also called baghlt.
wait (Ar.): an agent, sometimes used for a governor.
waqf (Ar.): property endowed for a religious institution, charity, or
, the family of the founder.
warith (Ar., pI. warathat): "heir," one of the earliest terms used to
describe 'All's relationship to MUQammad
wa~t' (Ar., pI. aw~iya'): "executor," one of the earliest terms used to
describe 'All's relationship to MuQammad.
waztr (Ar.): an administrative assistant.
wu{lu' (Ar.): the ritual ablution performed by Muslims.
xvarnah or xvarrah (M.P.), farr (N.P.): the divine glory or fortune
attached to the Sasanian dynasty, from xvar;;mah (Av.).
yazet (M.P., pI. yazdan), tzad (N.P.): god, a being worthy of worship,
used for Ohrmazd by Magians, from yazata (Av.).
zahid (Ar., pI. zuhhad): a Muslim ascetic.
zakat (Ar.): the Islamic alms tax.
zaman (M.P., N.P.): "time," often in the sense of "fate," occurs as a
loan word in both Aramaic and Arabic.
zuhd (Ar.): asceticism.
zuyuf (Ar. pI.): debased coins.
zuze (Syr., pI.): silver coins equivalent to dirhams.

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