Iraq after the Muslim Conquest - Michael G. Morony

(Ann) #1

man Mul}.ammad al-Ash'ath [sic] fi-I-matl:taf al'Iraq," Sumer 26 (1970):
The major catalogues of post-reform Islamic coins are those by J.
Walker, A Catalogue of the Arab-Byzantine and Post-Reform Umayyad
Coins (London, 1956) for those in the British Museum, and N. Naqsh-
abandi's "ad-Dirham al-Umawi al-ma<;lrub 'ala !-!iraz al-islami al-
kha~~," Summer 14 (1958): 101-24. For early Islamic coins in general,
H. Lavoix, Catalogue des monnaies musulmanes de la Bibliotheque
nationale: Khalifes orientaux (Paris, 1887) is still worth consulting.
The standard reference work for all Islamic coins is E. von Zambauer's
Die Munzpragungen des Islams, zeitlich und ortlich geordnet (Wies-
baden, 1968).
One should also consult specialized studies such as Rare Islamic
Coins, Numismatic Notes and Monog:aphs, no. 118 (New York, 1950)
by G. Miles and his articles on "The Earliest Arab Gold Coinage,"
ANSMN 13 (1967): 205-29, and "Dirham," EI(2), 11: 319-20. His
article on "Islamic and Sasanian Numismatics: Retrospect and Pros-
pect," Rapports, Congres International de Numismatique (1953), I:
129-44, is a useful survey of the issues and problems. See also I.
Saiman's articles on "A Rare dirham of 'Abdul Malik Ben Marwan
(Dirham nadir li-I-khalifati I-Umawi 'Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan,"
Sumer 26 (1970): 163-67; "An Earliest dirham Struck in Arabic Style
by Abdul Malik ibn Marwan (Aqdam dirham mu'arrab li-I-khalifati
'Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan," Sumer 27 (1971): 147-52; and the Abu
Sayda hoard in "Majmu'a dananir Umawiyya: kanz Abi Sayda," Su-
mer 28 (1972): 113-20.
Discussions of the activity of Islamic mints goes back to Arabic
literature. A. Mad's an-Nuqud al-'arabiya wa 'Um an-numiyat (Cairo
and Baghdad, 1938) contains Baladhuri's Kitab an-nuqud excerpted
from his FutulJ al-buldan and Maqrizi's Kitab al-qadzma al-islamiyya.
'A. Fahmi's Fajr as-sikka al-'arabiyya (Cairo, 1965) deals with the
origin and early development of the Islamic mint. A. Ehrenkreutz's
"Dar al-<;larb," EI(2), 11: 117-18, is a brief description of mint activ-
ities. A more recent treatment is J. Stepkova's "A Contribution to the
Minting Techniques of the Umayyad Coinage," Annals of the Naprstek
Museum (Prague), 8 (1975): 147-56. For particular Islamic mints in
Iraq, see G. Miles, "Abarqubadh, a new Umayyad mint," ANSMN 4
(1950): 115-20; W. Welin, "Wasi! the Mint-Town," B-;/letin de la
Societe Royale des Lettres de Lund 4 (1955-56): 127-69; and M. al-

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