Iraq after the Muslim Conquest - Michael G. Morony

(Ann) #1

of this text (Leiden, 1873; BGA, I1) has been superseded by J. Kra-
mers's edition (Leiden, 1938). It is available in a French translation
by J. Kramers and G. Wiet, Configuration de la terre (Beirut, 1965).
The A~san at-taqaStm fima'rifat al-aqaltm (Leiden, 1885, 1906; BGA,
Ill) of Shams ad-Din Mul),ammad ibn Al),mad ibn AbI Bakr al-Muqad-
dasI (ca. 946-1000) is contemporary but independent. It was trans-
lated into English by G. Ranking and R. Azoo (Calcutta, 1897-1901).
The Mu'jam ma ista'jam of Abii 'Ubaydullah ibn 'Abd al-AzIz al-
BakrI al-AndaliisI (d. 487/1094) explains geographical and tribal ref-
erences in pre-Islamic Arabic poetry and in ~adith. Although it mostly
concerns the Arabian peninsula, it contains important information
about Arabs in pre-Islamic Iraq and the geography of the Iraqi-Arabian
border region. It was edited by F. Wiistenfeld as Das geographische
Worterbuch (Gottingen, 1876-77), and published in four volumes by
Saqqa' (Cairo, 1945-51).
The geographical dictionary of Yaqiit ibn 'Abdullah al-J:Iamawi
(575/1179-62611229) called the Kitab mu'jam al-buldan (Leipzig,
1866) was completed in 1228. Its alphabetical organization makes it
very convenient to use once the place-names are known. The longer
entries include historical information going back to the Sasanians and
the Muslim conquest. The Kitab 'aja'ib al-makhluqat, ed. F. Wiisten-
feld, Kosmographie, I (Gottingen, 1849) of Zakariyya' ibn Mul),am-
mad ibn Mal),miid (ca. 600/1203-682/1283) is scientific cosmography.
His Kitab athar al-buldan, Kosmographie, II (Gottingen, 1848) is his-
torical geography.
Reconstructions of the historical geography of Iraq in Sasanian and
early Islamic times go back to A. Neubauer's La geographie du Talmud
(Paris, 1868), which covers Iraq on pages 320 to 368, and A. Berliner's
Beitrage zur Geographie und Ethnographie babyloniens im Talmud
und Midrasch (Berlin, 1883). The classic survey based on Arabic geo-
graphical literature is The Lands of the Eastern Caliphate (Cambridge,
1890; repr. Barnes & Noble, 1966) of G. Le Strange. The second and
third chapters (pp. 24-85) deal with Iraq. Although Le Strange's maps
are useful, they are overly schematic and need badly to be brought up
to date. M. Streck's two-volume Die alte Landschaft Babylonien '" nach
den arabischen Geographen (Leiden, 1900-1901) and J. Obermeyer's
Die Landschaft Babylonien im Zeitalter des Talmuds und des Gaonats
(Frankfurt a.M., 1929) used Arabic geographical literature to identify
and locate places in Sasanian Iraq. A bibliography of modern Arabic
works on the historical geography of Iraq is provided by G. Awad's

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