Iraq after the Muslim Conquest - Michael G. Morony

(Ann) #1

and his works, see l;I. Samarra'i, "Hisham ibn Mui?ammad al-KalbI,"
Majalat Kuliyyat ash-sharta (Baghdad, 1966), pp. 1-48. By far the
most important work of this type, and a major source for early Islamic
history, is the monumental Ansab al-ashraf of Ai?mad ibn Yai?ya al-
Baladhuri (d. 279/892). Those parts of it which have been published
are based on the Asir Efendi manuscripts, nos. 597-598, in the Sii-
leymaniye Kiitiiphanesi, Istanbul, although other manuscripts are now
known to exist. The following volumes have been published to date:
I, ed. M. Hamldullah (Cairo, 1959); Il, ed. M. B. al-Mai?miidi (Beirut,
1394/1974); Ill, ed. 'A. 'A. Diid (Beirut, 1398/1978); IVa, ed.
M. Schloessinger and M. Kister (Jerusalem, 1971); IVb, ed.
M. Schloessinger (Jerusalem, 1938); V, ed. S. D. Goitein (Jerusalem,
1936); and XI, as Anonyme arabische Chronik, ed. W. Ahlwardt
(Griefswald, 1883). An Italian translation of volume IVa concerning
Mu'awiya by G. Levi Della Vida and O. Pinto is called Il Califfo
Mu'awiya secondo il "Kitab Ansab al-Asraf' (Rome, 1938). The Jam-
harat ansab al-'Arab (Cairo, 1971) of Abii Mui?ammad 'Ali ibn Ai?-
mad ibn Sa'Id ibn l;Iazm al-Andaliisi (384/994-456/1064) is a third
work of this type worth consulting.
'A third kind of biographical literature is represented as local history.
For eighth-century Iraq one can consult Baghdad fi ta'rtkh al-khilafa
al-'Abbasiyya of Ai?mad ibn Abi Tahir Tayfiir (819 or 820-893),
which has been edited with a German translation by H. Keller as Das
Kitab Baghdad (Leipzig, 1908); the Ta'rtkh Wasit (Baghdad, 1967)
of Aslam ibn Sahl ar-Razzaz al-Wasiti (Bai?shal); and the Ta'rtkh al-
Maw~il (Cairo, 1967) of Abii Zakariyya' Yazid ibn Mui?ammad ibn
Iyas ibn al-Qasim al-Azdi (d. 334/945-46), the surviving part of which
starts in 1011719-20 with the governor Yai?ya ibn Yai?ya al-GhassanI.
The most important works among the later biographical literature
are the Usd al-ghaba fi ma'rifat aNahaba (Cairo, 1964) of 'Izz ad-
Din ibn al-Athlr (1160-1233) and the Kitab wafayat al-a'yan wa
anba' abna' az-zaman (Cairo, 1881; Beirut, 1968-72), which was
completed in 67211274 by Ai?mad ibn Mui?ammad ibn Khallikan (d.
68111282). There is a four-volume English translation of the latter by
M. de Slane called Ibn Khallikan's Biographical Dictionary (Paris and
London, 1843-71; repr. New York and London, 1961). These works
are worth consulting mainly for details obtained by their authors from
sources which have since been lost.
The best recent treatments of Arab settlement in early Islamic Iraq
are those by F. Donner, "The Arab Tribes in the Muslim Conquest

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