Iraq after the Muslim Conquest - Michael G. Morony

(Ann) #1

which has been seen as a Mazdaean socioeconomic compromise with
the Mazdaki reformist challenge. This was edited by B. N. Dhabhar
as The Pahlavi Rivayat Accompanying the Dadistan i" Di"ni"k (Bombay,
1913), with an English translation by J. c. Tavadia in "A Pahlavi Text
on Communism," in Dr. Modi Memorial Volume (Bombay, 1930).
Zatspram produced his own account of Mazdaean cosmology, the life
of Zarathustra, and eschatology which is said to have a Zurvanite
tendency. This text was edited by B. T. Anklesaria as Vichitakiha i
Zatsparam (Bombay, 1964), and translated into English and published
posthumously by K. M. Jamasp-Asa. It was also translated into English
by West, SBE 5 (Oxford, 1880): 153-87; 11 (New York, 1901): 155-
The most systematic treatment of Mazdaean doctrine and ethics is
to be found in the Denkart that was compiled during the course of
the ninth century from contemporary materials and from literature
going back to the Sasanian period. The standard edition of this text
is D. M. Madan's The Complete Text of the Pahlavi Dinkart (Bombay,
1911). A facsimile of the manuscript at the K. R. Cama Oriental
Institute in Bombay has been published by M. Dresden as Denkart,
A Pahlavi Text (Wiesbaden, 1966). On this text, see also P. J. de
Menasce, Une encyclopedie mazdeenne: Le Denkart (Paris, 1958). The
first two books of the Denkart have not survived. According to de
Menasce, Book III was compiled in the mid-tenth century by Aturpiit-
i Emetiin, a mobadh in southern Iran, in the form of apologetic and
polemic answers to questions. There is a French translation of Book
III by de Menasce called Le troisieme livre du Denkart (Paris, 1973).
Books IV and V contain summaries and selections from earlier works.
Book VI has been edited and translated into English by S. Shaked as
The Wisdom of the Sasanian Sages (Boulder, Colo., 1979). Book VII
concerns cosmology, while Books VIII and IX are about the Avesta.
The Skand-Gumani"k Vicar of Martan-Farrukh-i Ohrmazd-datan is
a ninth-or tenth-century Mazdaean defense against all religious rivals.
It is worth noting that the arguments of both Aturpiit in Book III of
the Denkart and those of Martiin-Farrukh against Jews, Christians,
and Manichaeans could go back to the Sasanian period. This text was
edited by H. J. Jamasp-Asana as Shikand-Gumantk Vijar (Bombay,
1887), with an English translation by West, SBE 24 (Oxford, 1885):
115-251; 12 (New York, 1901): 117-251. There is also a French
version by P. J. de Menasce called Une apologetique mazdeenne du

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