Iraq after the Muslim Conquest - Michael G. Morony

(Ann) #1

response, see "Reply to Goodenough," American Anthropologist 51
(1949): 531-32. This issue ·was revived and reviewed by B. Spooner
in "Iranian Kinship and Marriage," Iran 4 (1966): 51-60.
The classic treatment of the Mazdaki movement is A. Christensen's
"Le regne du roi Kawadh I et le communisme mazdakite," Det Kon-
gelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Historisk-filologiske Meddel-
elser 9 (1925): 1-127; but this should be augmented with o. Klima's
Mazdak, Geschichte einer sozialen Bewegung im sassanidischen Per-
sien (Prague, 1957). More recently, see G. Carratelli, "Sulle dottrine
sociali di Bundos e Mazdak," Il Veltro (Riv. della Societa Dante Ali-
ghieri) 14 (1970): 119-22. For part of the legacy of this movement,
see W. Miiller's "Mazdak and the Alphabet Mysticism of the East,"
History of Religions 3 (1963): 72-82, and for the existence of different
kinds of Magians, see M. Mole's "Le probleme des sectes zoroas-
triennes dans les livres pehlevis," Oriens 13-14 (1960-61): 1-28.
The best source for the phenomenon of apostasy from Magianism
and how Magians dealt with it is the extensive literature in Syriac and
Greek on Christian martyrs under the Sasanians. The Syriac text of
the lives of Persian martyrs under Shapar Il in the fourth century was
published with a Latin translation by S. Assemanus (Assemani) in Acta
sanctorum martyrum orientalium et occidentalium (Rome, 1748), pp.
1-258. The standard edition of the Syriac texts of the lives of Christian
martyrs and saints in the Sasanian period is P. Bedjan's seven-volume
Acta Martyrum et Sanctorum (Leipzig and Paris, 1890-97), especially
volumes I, Il, and IV. There is a two-volume Arabic translation by
A. Scher called Serat shuhadii' al-mashriq (Mawsil, 1900-1907), and
there are German translations by G. Hoffmann, Auszuge aus syrischen
Akten persischer Martyrer (Leipzig, 1880; repr. 1966) and o. Braun,
Ausgewahlte Akten persischer Martyrer (Munich, 1915). For the Greek
account of fourth-century martyrs, see H. Delehaye, "Les versions
greques des actes des martyrs persans sous Sapor Il (grec. et latin),"
PO 2 (1907): 401-560.
For the scholarship on these martyrs, one should start with
M. Kmosko's "Simeon Bar Sabba'e," Patrologia Syriaca 2 (1907):
659-1055; P. Peeters' "La date du martyre de S. Symeon archeveque
de Seleucie-Ctesiphon," AB 56 (1938): 118-43; and his "Le 'Pas-
sionaire d'Adiabene,' " AB 43 (1925): 261-304; P. Devos, "Les mar-
tyrs persans a travers leurs actes syriaques," in Atti del convegno sui
tema: La Persia e it mondo greco-romano, Accademia nazionale dei
Lincei, Problemi Attuali di scienza e di cultura 76 (Rome, 1966): 213-

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