Iraq after the Muslim Conquest - Michael G. Morony

(Ann) #1

25; and G. Wiesner's Untersuchungen zur syrischen Literaturge-
schichte, 1. Zur Martyreruberlieferung aus der Christenverfolg Scha-
purs II (G6ttingen, 1967).
There are also separate editions, translations, and studies of partic-
ular texts, such as the History of Karkha dhe Beth Sel6k noted above;
J. Corluy's "Historia Sancti Mar Pethion Martyris," AB 7 (1888): 5-
44; and P. Bedjan's S. Martyrii, Qui et Sahdona quae supersunt omnia
(Leipzig, 1902). For the female martyrs of the sixth century, see P. Peeters,
"Une legende syriaque de S. Iazdbozid," AB 49 (1931): 5-21, and
"Sainte Gcilindouch, Martyre Perse," AB 63 (1944): 74-125, and
P. Devos, "Sainte Sirin martyre sous Khosrau ler Anosarvan," AB 64
(1946): 87-131, which is a Greek translation of a Syriac text probably
composed in Antioch between 593 and 602.
There are three important lives of martyrs from the early seventh
century. The life of Mihramgushnasp/Giwargls (d. 614) was composed
by his contemporary Mar Babai the Great. The text was edited by
P. Bedjan in Histoire de Mar Jabalaha (1895), pp. 416-571, and is
summarized in Chabot's Synodicon Orientale, pp. 625-34, and Hoff-
mann's Auszuge, pp. 91-92. The life of Ish6'sabhran was composed
in about 630 by IshO'yahbh of Adiabene (d. 658). This text was
published by J. B. Chabot as "Histoire de Jesus-Sabran," Nouvelles
archives des missions scientifiques et litteraires 7 (Paris, 1897): 503-

  1. Chabot's French translation on pages 485-502 is not entirely
    reliable and should not be used in place of the Syriac text. The Greek
    "Life and Policy of St. Anastasios the Martyr in Persia" (d. 628) was
    composed by George Pisides and published by A. Papadopoulos-Ke-
    rameos in Analekta Hierosolymitikes staxuologias 4 (PetropolilSt. Pe-
    tersburg, 1897): 126-48, with corrections in vol. 5 (1898), pp. 391-
    92, and in MPG 92 (Paris, 1903). A. Pertusi's "L'encomio di S. Ana-
    stasio martire persiano," AB 76 (1958): 5-63, also has the Greek text
    on pages 32 to 63 with a discussion. There is no translation, but Pertusi
    gives a summary of the life of Anastasios in "Fonti Bizantine," pp.
    There are also more legendary lives, such as J. B. Abbeloos, "Acta
    Mar ~ardaghi," AB 9 (1890): 5-105, and J. B. Chabot's La legende
    de Mar Bassus, martyr persan (Paris, 1893), which are difficult to date
    or to use except as examples of pious fiction. Of course the lives of
    Christian martyrs and saints are also important sources for the Chris-
    tian population, Sasanian administration, and social history.
    The best survey of the condition of Magians under Muslim rule is

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