Iraq after the Muslim Conquest - Michael G. Morony

(Ann) #1

J. de Menasce's "Problemes des Mazdeens dans l'Iran musulman," in
Festschrift fur Wilhelm Eilers, ed. G. Wiessner (Wiesbaden, 1967), pp.
220-30, which concerns mainly the ninth and tenth centuries. See also
B. M. Tirmidhi, "Zoroastrians and their fire temples in Iran and ad-
joining countries from the 9th to the 14th centuries as gleaned from
the Arabic geographical works," IC 24 (1950): 271-84. For Magian
apocalyptic literature in the early Islamic period, see Bailey's Zoroas-
trian Problems and R. C. Zaehner's "A Zervanite Apocalypse I," BSOS
10 (1940): 377-98, which is the text of chapter 24 of Zatspram, and
part Il, BSOS 10 (1940): 606-31, which has the English translation
and notes. The two main apocalyptic texts, however, are the Zand-f
Vohuman Yasn (Bahman Yasht) and the ]iimiisp niimak. The former
is either a Middle Persian version of an Avestan text (Tavadia) or an
heterodox apocalyptic text (Anklesaria). It is published with an English
translation by West, SBE 5 (Oxford, 1880): 189-235; 11 (New York,
1901): 191-235; and likewise by B. T. Anklesaria as Zand-z Vohuman
Yasn (Bombay, 1919, 1957). The latter was published by West as
"The Pahlavi Jamasp-namak," in Avesta, Pahlavi and Ancient Persian
Studies in Honour of the Late Shams-ul-Ulama Dastur Peshotanji
Behramji Sanjana (Strassburg and Leipzig, 1904), pp. 97-116. The
Middle Persian, Parsi, and Pazand versions of a later expansion of
this text from the late tenth century A.D., called the Abiyiitkiir-z ]ii-
miispzk, are published with an Italian translation by G. Messina in
Libro apocalittico persiano, Ayiitkiir z ziimiispzk (Rome, 1939). The
New Persian forms of both of these texts are included in M. R. Unvala,
Diiriib Hormazyiir's Riviiyat (Bombay, 1922) with English translations
by B. N. Dhabhar in The Persian Rivayats of Hormazyiir Framarz
(Bombay, 1932). For the historical setting of these apocalypses, see
K. Czegledy, "Bahram C6bin and the Persian apocalyptic literature,"
Acta Orientalia Hungarica 8 (1958): 21-43; and A. Destree, "Quel-
ques reflexions sur le heros des recits apocalyptiques persans et sur le
my the de la ville de cuivre," in La Persia nel Medioevo, pp. 639-54.
On ca lend rica I problems associated with the beginning of the era of
Yazdagerd, see E. Drouin, "L'ere de Yezdegerd et le calendrier perse,"
Revue Archeologique, 12 (1888): 333-43; 13 (1889): 243-56; 14
(1889): 42-54, 229-42.


The Jewish community in Iraq (Babylonia) is the subject of its own
extensive literature, especially because it was one of the points of origin
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