Iraq after the Muslim Conquest - Michael G. Morony

(Ann) #1

between the Years 200 C.E. and 500 C.E. (Oxford, 1932). Y. A.
Solodukho's class analysis of the Rabbinic community has been made
available by J. Neusner in Soviet Views of Talmudic Judaism: Five
Papers by Yu. A. Solodukho in English Translation (Leiden, 1973).
L. Jacobs in "The Economic Conditions of the Jews in Babylonia in
Talmudic Times Compared with Palestine," JSS 2 (1957): 349-59,
argues that they were better off in Babylonia; but he treats Jews as a
monolithic group and ignores internal economic differences and tem-
poral changes.
Jews are put into a somewhat larger comparative framework, mainly
for Byzantine territory, in R. Hamerston-Kelly and R. Scroggs, eds.,
Jews, Greeks, and Christians: Religious Cultures in Late Antiquity.
Essays in honor of Wm. David Davies (Leiden, 1976). For expressions
of communal boundaries in polemic in the Sasanian period, see
J. Neusner's Aphrahat and Judaism (Leiden, 1971) and "A Zoroas-
trian Critique of Judaism," JAGS 83 (1963): 283-94. D. N. Mac-
kenzie's "An Early Jewish-Persian Argument," BSGAS 31 (1968):
248-69, concerns a Jewish polemic against Mazdaeans, Christians,
and Muslims from the early Islamic period, while J. Mann's "An Early
Theologico-Polemic Work," HUCA 12-13 (1937-38): 411-59, is the
text and analysis of a Rabbinic tract against Samaritans, Christians,
and Jewish separatists from early tenth-century Iraq or Iran.
Concerning the exilarchate, one can consult F. Lazarus, "Neue Bei-
trage zur Geschichte des Exilarchats," Monatsschrift fur Geschichte
und Wissenschaft des Judentums 78 (1934): 279-88; Y. S. Zuri's
History of Hebrew Public Law. The Reign of the Exilarchate and the
Legislative Academies. Period of Rav Nachman bar Jizchak (320-
355) (Tel Aviv, 1938), in Hebrew; and W. Bacher, "Exilarch," JE, V:
288-93. The most recent treatment is M. Beer's Rashut ha-golah be-
Vavel bi-yeme ha-Mishnah veha-Talmud (Tel Aviv, 1970). For the
Genezah fragment about Bostanai, see D. S. Margoliouth, "Some Brit-
ish Museum Genizah Texts, I. On the Exilarch Bustani," JQR 14
(1902): 303-307. H. Tyckoczynski analyzed everything known about
Bostanai up to his time in "Bustanay Rosh ha-Golah," Devir 1 (1923):
145-75. See also L. Ginsberg, "Bostanai," JE, Ill: 330-31. The Islamic
period is covered in I. Goldziher's "Renseignements de source mu-
sulmane sur la Dignite du Resch-Galuta," REJ (1884), pp. 121-25;
and A. Goode, "The Exilarchate in the Eastern Caliphate, 637-128,"
JQR, n.s. 31 (1940): 149-69.
For the gaonate, consult A. Eckstein and W. Bacher, "Gaon," JE,

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