Iraq after the Muslim Conquest - Michael G. Morony

(Ann) #1

The second part of the Ecclesiastical History of Barl).adbeshabba
'Arbala, who was head of the Nestorian school at Nasibin at the end
of the sixth century, is an account of the "Nestorianization" of the
church in the Sasanian empire in the fifth and sixth centuries until

  1. It is published with a French translation by F. Nau in "Barl).ad-
    bdabba 'Arbaia, Histoire ecclesiastique (2nd Part)," PO 9 (1913):
    489-631. This period is also covered by the Ecclesiastical History of
    John of Ephesus, the Syriac text of which is published in Land's Anec-
    dota, Il (Leiden, 1868) and as Historiae Ecclesiasticae, Pars Tertia,
    CSCO, Scr. Syri, 54; CSCO, Scr. Syri, 55. There is also a later chronicle
    of Nestorian patriarchs published with a Latin translation by G. L.
    Assemani, as De catholicis seu patriarch is Chaldaeorum et Nestoria-
    norum, commentarius Historico-chronologicus (Rome, 1775), which
    goes well into the Islamic period. The Arabic texts of Nestorian church
    history by Mart, 'Amr, and Sliba called the Liber Turris are published
    by H. Gismondi as Maris, Amri et Slibae, De Patriarch is nestoriano-
    rum commentaria (Rome, 1896-99).
    Church histories are supplemented by letters such as those of
    Ishi)'yahbh III published by P. Scott-Moncrieff as The Book of Con-
    solations, or the Pastoral Epistles of Mar ishO'yahbh of Kuphlana in
    Adiabene (London, 1904), and by R. Duval as ISo 'yahb Patriarchae
    III Liber Epistularum, CSCO, Scr. Syri, 11 (Louvain, 1955), with a
    Latin translation, CSCO, Scr. Syri, 12 (Louvain, 1955). Although there
    is no complete edition of the letters of George, the Monophysite bishop
    of the Arabs (686--724), they are all translated into German by V. Ryssel
    in Georgs des Araberbischof Gedichte und Briefe (Leipzig, 1891). For
    letters by later eighth-century Nestorian patriarchs, see V. B. Chabot,
    "Lettre de Mar Aba Il," Actes de lIe congres des orientalistes (Paris,
    1897), pp. 295-335, and R. J. Bidawid, Les Lettres du patriarch
    nestorien Timothee I (Rome, 1956). O. Braun provides the Syriac texts
    of several of Timothy's letters with German translations in "Der
    Katholikos Timotheos I und seine Briefe," OC 1 (1901): 138-52; "Ein
    Brief des Katholikos Timotheos I iiber biblische Studien des 9. Jahr-
    hunderts," OC 1 (1901): 299-313; "Briefe des Katholikos Timotheos
    I, OC 2 (1902): 1-32, and OC 3 (1903): 1-15.
    There is also an extensive body of biography dealing with the lives
    of church leaders, monks, and other saints. Much of it can be found
    in the volumes of the Analecta Bollandiana and in P. Peeters, Bib-
    liotheca hagiographica orientalis (Brussels, 1910; repr. 1954). The
    sixth-century biographies in E. W. Brooks, "John of Ephesus, Lives

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