Iraq after the Muslim Conquest - Michael G. Morony

(Ann) #1

commentaire de Theodore de Mopsueste sur les Psaumes (Vatican,
1939). Devreese also published a study on Theodore called Essai sur
Theodore de Mopsueste (Vatican, 1948). Two important articles have
been published by A. V66bus, "Regarding the Theological Anthro-
pology of Theodore of Mopsuestia," Church History 33 (1964): 115-
23, and "Theological Reflections on Human Nature in Ancient Syriac
Traditions," in The Scope of Grace: Essays on Nature and Grace in
Honor of Joseph Sittler, ed. P. J. Hefner (Philadelphia, 1964), pp.
101-19. Aspects of Theodore's impact on Nestorian doctrine are
treated by L. Brade in Untersuchungen zum Scholienbuch des Theo-
doros bar Konai. Die Ubernahme des Erbes von Theodoros von Mop-
suestia in der nestorianischen Kirche (G6ttingen, 1975). For doctrinal
issues in the fifth century, see also W. F. Macomber, "The Christology
of the Synod of Seleucia-Ctesiphon A.D. 486," QCP 24 (1958): 142-
For the sixth century, see Macomber's article on "The Theological
Synthesis of Cyrus of Edessa, an East Syrian Theologian of the Mid-
Sixth Century," QCP 30 (1964): 5-38, 363-84, and the articles on
Paul of Nasibin's exposition of Nestorian doctrine at Constantinople
by G. Mercati, "Per la vita e gli scritti di 'Paolo il Persiano'. Appunti
da una disputa di religione sotto Giustino e Giustianiano," Studi e
Testi 5 (1901): 180-206; and by A. Guillaumont, "Un Colloque entre
orthodoxes et theologiens nestoriens de Perse sous Justinien," CRAIBL
(1970), pp. 201-7.
The Nestorian statement of faith at the Sasanian court in 612 is
presented and analyzed by E. Bratke in "Das sogenannte Religions
Gesprach am Hof der Sasaniden," Texte und Untersuchungen zur
Geschichte der Altchristlichen Literatur, n.s. 4/3 (1899): 1-305. Two
Syriac versions are also published by S. Giamil in "Symbolum Nes-
torianum anni p. Ch. n. 612," QC 1 (1901): 61-79, who was con-
cerned to show how "orthodox" they were. But the most important
formulation of Nestorian doctrine in the early seventh century is the
Book of Union of the monk Babai the Great (ca. 550-628). This text
is published with a Latin translation by A. Vaschalde as Babai Magni,
Liber de Unione, CSCQ, Scr. Syri, 34; CSCQ, Scr. Syri, 35 (Louvain,
1953). An introduction to Babai's ideas is provided by V. Grumel's
"Un theologien nestorien: Babai le Grand (VIe-VIle s.)," Echos d'Qri-
ent 22 (1932): 153-81,257-80; 23 (1924): 9-34, 162-78,257-75,
395-400; and by the articles of P. Kriiger, "Zum theologischen Men-
schenbild des Babai d. Gr." QC 44 (1960): 46-74, "Das Problem des

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