Iraq after the Muslim Conquest - Michael G. Morony

(Ann) #1

statuts," jA, 9th ser., 8 (1896): 43-93, and "Narsai le docteur et les
origines de l'Ecole de Nisibe," jA, 10th ser., 6 (1905): 157-77. The
best recent study is the History of the School of Nisibis, CSCO, Sub-
sidia 26 (Louvain, 1965) by A. V66bus. See also his article on "Mar
Abraham de-Bet Rabban and His Role in the Hermeneutic Traditions
of the School of Nisibis," HTR 58 (1965): 203-14.
The foundations of Nestorian canon law are collected with a French
translation by J. B. Chabot in Synodicon Orientale (Paris, 1902), which
includes the canons established by church synods from the early fifth
to the late eighth century. Chabot also included several letters by
church leaders. There is a German translation by o. Braun called Das
Buch der Synhodos (Stuttgart and Vienna, 1900). The second major
collection of Nestorian canons, rules, and legal correspondence is C. E.
Sachau's three-volume Syrische Rechtsbucher (Berlin, 1907-1914),
with a German translation and extensive notes. This material is also
discussed by Sachau in his article "Von der rechtlichen Verhiiltnissen
der Christen im Sasanidenreich," Mitteilungen des Seminars fur ori-
entalische Sprachen, westasiatische Studien 10 (1907): 69-95. O. Braun's
"Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der persischen Gotteslehre," ZDMG 58
(1903): 562-65, is a discussion of Mar Abha's (539-52) "Interpre-
tation of the Laws Concerning Sexual Intercourse and Marriage" (text
in Sachau, Rechtsbucher, Ill: 258-85). The legal correspondence of
I:Ienanish6< from the end of the seventh century is in Sachau, II: 2-
51; the canons of Simeon of Rev-Ardashir, metropolitan of Fars, dated
to either the mid-seventh or late eighth century, are in Sachau, III:
203-53, and were published separately by A. Riicker as Die canones
des Simeon van Rewardasir (Leipzig, 1908). The digest of IshO<bokht,
metropolitan of Fars (ca. 775-79), which is based on the Miitikiin, is
in Sachau, III: 1-201, and discussed by N. Pigulevskaya in "Die Sa-
mmlung der syrischen Rechtsurkunden des Ischobocht und des Ma-
tikan," Akten des XXIV Intern. Orientalisten Kongresses (Wiesbaden,
1959), pp. 219-21. The canons of Timothy I (780-823) may be found
in Chabot's Synodican, pp. 597-608; Sachau, Rechtsbucher, II: 57-
117; and O. Braun, "Der Katholikos Timotheos I und seine Briefe,"
OC 2 (1902): 283-311. See also G. Graf, "Das Rechts-werk des
Nestorianers Gabriel, Bischofs von Basra, in arabischer Bearbeitung,"
OCP 6 (1940): 517-22. Because this legal literature identifies many
social issues, it is also an important source for social history. Although
N. Edelby's "L'autonomie legislative des Chn!tiens en terre cl'lslam,"

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