Iraq after the Muslim Conquest - Michael G. Morony

(Ann) #1

Ephrem Syrus in the fourth century one can use C. W. Mitchell's
English translation of S. Ephraim's Prose Refutations of Mani, Mar-
cion, and Bardaisan, I (London, 1912); II (London, 1921), as well as
E. Beck's Des heiligen Ephraem des syrers Hymnen contra haereses,
CSCO, Scr. Syri, 76, 77 (Louvain, 1957) and Ephrams Polemik gegen
Mani und die Manichaer, CSCO, Subsidia, 55 (Louvain, 1978). See
also A. Voobus, Literary Critical and Historical Studies in Ephrem
the Syrian (Stockholm, 1958). Mariitha of Maipherkat's list of thirteen
heresies from about A.D. 400 was published by A. von Harnack as
"Der Ketzer-Katalog des Bischofs Marutha von Maipherkat," Texte
und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Altchristlichen Literatur, n.s.
4 (Leipzig, 1899): 3-17. For the Islamic period, Chaldaeans, dualists,
and Manichaeans are covered on pages 318 to 345 of Ibn an-Nadlm's
Fihrist (Leipzig, 1871-72). For similar information from al-MaturIdI,
see G. Vajda, "Le temoinage d'al-MaturIdI sur la doctrine des Ma-
nicheens, des Day~anites et des Marcionites," Arabica 13 (1966): 1-
Studies on Marcion go back to A. von Harnack's Marcion: Das
Evangelium vom fremden Gott, 2nd ed. (Leipzig, 1924; Darmstadt,
1960), but the standard treatment in English is E. C. Blackman's
Marcion and His Influence (London, 1948). For Marcionites in the
east, see J. M. Fiey, "Les Marcionites dans les textes historiques de
l'eglise de Perse," Le Museon, 83 (1970): 183-88.
Bardai~an speaks for himself in his Book of the Laws of Countries,
and the fact that it exists in a Syriac text of the sixth or seventh century
is important in itself. This text was published with a French translation
by F. Nau as Bardesane l'astrologue, le livre des lois des pays (Paris,
1899) and with an English translation by H. Drijvers as The Book of
the Laws of Countries. Dialogue on Fate of Bardai$an of Edessa
(Assen, 1965), "Bardai~an of Edessa and the Hermetica. The Aramaic
Philosopher and the Philosophy of his Time," in Jaarbericht Ex Ori-
ente Lux 21 (1969-70): 190-210, and "Bardai~an von Edessa als
Reprasentant des syrischen Synkretismus im 2. Jahrhundert n. Chr.,"
in A. Dietrich, Synkretismus im Syrisch-persischen Kulturgebiet (Got-
tingen, 1975), pp. 109-22. One should also consult the articles of
T. Jansma on "La notice de Barl}adbeSabba 'Arbaia sur l'heresie des
Dai~anites," in Memorial Mgr. Gabriel Khouri-Sarkis, Revue d'etudes
et de recherches sur les eglises de langue syriaque (Louvain, 1969),
pp. 91-106, and of B. Aland-Ehlers, "Bardesanes von Edessa: Ein

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