Iraq after the Muslim Conquest - Michael G. Morony

(Ann) #1

95-106, and Orientalia 10 (1941): 276-78, 344-45, 347, 353-58,
and 20 (1951): 309-10. Other magic texts are published in W. S.
McCullough's Jewish and Mandaean Incantation Bowls in the Royal
Ontario Museum (Toronto, 1967); but the definitive collection so far
is E. Yamauchi's Mandaic Incantation Texts (New Haven, 1967),
which also has a good introductory bibliography on Mandaica. Ya-
mauchi published an additional text in "A Mandaic Bowl fram the
Yale Babylonian collection," Berytus 17 (1967-68): 49-63.
Incantations in the Mandaic language are not necessarily Mandaean
in their religious content. The source for Mandaean religion is the
literature produced in the early Islamic period. M. Lidzbarski pub-
lished the most important texts, with German translations: Das Jo-
hannesbuch der Mandaer. Einleitung, Ubersetzung, Kommentar (Gies-
sen, 1915; Berlin, 1966); Mandaische Liturgien. Mitgeteilt iibersetzt
und erklart (Berlin, 1920); and the Ginza; Der Schatz oder das grosse
Buch der Mandaer (Gottingen, 1925). In addition E. S. Drower trans-
lated The Book of the Zodiac (Sfar Malwasia) (London, 1949). It is
customary to transcribe Mandaic with the letters of the Hebrew al-
phabet. A useful reference grammar is R. Macuch's Handbook of
Classical and Modern Mandaic (Berlin, 1965).
Mandaean scholarship since Pallis includes H. Leitzmann's Ein Bei-
trag zur Mandaerfrage (Berlin, 1930), which argues for a Nestorian
origin for Mandaean ritual; and E. S. Drawer's The Mandaeans of
Iraq and Iran (Oxford, 1937), which is mostly a modern description
with historical background, and her Water into Wine (London, 1956),
which is a comparative study of modern Mandaean ritual. Since then
the most important work has been by K. Rudolph whose Die Mandaer,
I, Prolegomena: Das Mandaerproblem (Gottingen, 1960) examines
the various possibilities for the origins of Mandaeans, while 11, Der
Kult (Gottingen, 1961) presents a typology of Mandaean ritual. There
are bibliographies in both volumes. His Theogonie, Kosmogonie und
Anthropogonie in den mandaischen Schriften. Eine literarkritische und
traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung (Gottingen, 1965) is a study of
Mandaean doctrines of light and darkness, emanationist cosmogony,
and human nature; it also contains a bibliography. Rudolph's later
publications include "Problems of a History of the Development of
the Mandaean Religion," in History of Religions 8 (1969): 210-35,
"Die Religion der Mandiier," in Die Religionen Altsyriens, Altarabiens
und der Mandaer, ed. H. Gese et al. (Stuttgart, 1970), pp. 407-69,

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