Iraq after the Muslim Conquest - Michael G. Morony

(Ann) #1

A. S. Tritton's, "Muslim Funeral Customs," BSOAS 9 (1938): 653-
The main sources for popular, local leadership in the early Muslim
community are the lives of Mul),ammad's Companions and their Fol-
lowers in the biographical literature cited above. M. Muranyi's Die
Prophetengenossen in der fruhislamischen Geschichte (Bonn, 1973) is
a study of local leadership by Companions. The best treatment of
exemplary behavior in Arabian society is chapter 3 on "Sunnah and
related concepts" in M. M. Bravmann's The Spiritual Background of
Early Islam (Leiden, 1972), pp. 123-98. On individual Companions
in Iraq see J. Horovitz, "Salman al-FarisI," Der Islam 12 (1922): 178-
83; A. J. Wensinck and J. Robson, "Anas b. Malik," EI(2}, I: 482;
and J. c. Vadet, "Ibn Mas'iid," EI(2), Ill: 873-75. For the next
generation, see R. Blachere, "Abii 'l-'Aliya," EI(2), I: 104-5; H. H.
Schaeder, "J:Iasan al-Ba~rI: Studien zur Friihgeschichte des Islam," Der
Islam 14 (1925): 1-75; H. Ritter, "J:Iasan al-Ba~rI," EI(2), Ill: 247-
48; I. 'Abbas, al-lf.asan al-Ba~rt (Cairo, 1952); and C. Pellat, "Ibn
AbI Layla," EI(2), Ill: 687.
For the popular leadership of the reciters of the Qur' an, see P. Kahle,
"The Arabic Readers of the Koran," ]NES 8 (1949): 65-71. The recent
argument over the meaning of the plural qurra' does not seem to affect
the meaning of the singular qari' as Qur'an reciter. For preachers and
religious storytellers, see J. Pedersen's articles on "The Islamic Preacher,"
in the Ignace Goldziher Memorial Volume, ed. S. L6winger and
J. Somogyi, I (Budapest, 1948): 226-51, and "The Criticism of the
Islamic Preacher," WI2 (1952): 215-31; D. B. Macdonald, "~i~~a,"
E1(1), 11: 1042-44; and C. Pellat, "~a~~," E1(2), IV: 733-35. For
judges see E. Tyan, "I:Iakam," EI(2), Ill: 72. The theory of judgeship
is outlined in AQmad ash-Shaybani's Kitab 'adab al-qa#, ed. F. Ziadeh
(Cairo, 1978), and H. F. Amedroz, "The Office of ~adI in the Al),kam
Sultaniyya of MawardI," ]RAS (1910): 761-96.
The best idea of the legal issues and alternatives in Iraq in the century
after the conquest and before the establishment of the major legal
systems is provided in the literature on the differences of opinion
among early jurists. The most useful of these are Abii Yiisuf's Ikhtilaf
Abt If.antfa wa-Ibn AM Layla (Cairo, 135711938-9); the "Kitab ikh-
tilaf al-'IraqIyln" in vol. VII of Shafi'I's Kitab al-umm, pp. 87-150;
and TabarI's Kitab ikhtilaf al-fuqaha', ed. J. Schacht (Leiden, 1933).
One of the first modern works on the early history of Islamic law
is E. Sachau's Zur iiltesten Geschichte des muhammedanischen Rechts

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