Iraq after the Muslim Conquest - Michael G. Morony

(Ann) #1

in "The Study of the Development of the Islamic Sects," in Acta
Orientalia Neerlandica, ed. P. W. Pestman (Leiden, 1971), pp. 82-
91, and a critique of the terminology and categories one finds in the
firaq literature in "The Great Community and the Sects," in Theology
and Law in Islam, ed. G. E. von Grunebaum (Wiesbaden, 1971), pp.
Most interpretations trace the origins of early Muslim sectarian
movements to the consequences of 'Uthman's policies and to the
factions that arose during the first fitna. In addition to the chronicles
one should see the Waq 'at al-jamal. Riwiiyat MuJ;ammad ibn YaJ;ya
ibn 'Abd Alliih ibn al-'Abbiis a~-$Ult (Baghdad, 1970) of MuQ.ammad
ibn Zakariya al-Ghalabi (d. 910111) and Na~r ibn Mu~ahim's (d. 2121
827) Waq'at $iffin (Cairo, 1945/46, 1962/3). One social dimension
of this conflict is examined by R. Vesely in "Die An~ar im ersten
Biirgerkriege," Archiv Orientalni 26 (1958): 36-58, while M. Hinds
studied accounts of the event which triggered the Khariji movement
in "The Siffin Arbitration Agreement," ]SS 17 (1972): 93-129.
The poetry ascribed to early Khariji poets is a potential source of
information for Khariji themes and attitudes which has never been
exploited the way it should. Khariji poetry was anthologized as early
as the time of Ibn an-Nadim, who cites 'Umar ibn Subba's Kitiib
ash 'ar ash-shuriit. Although this collection does not appear to have
survived, this subject is treated by F. Gabrieli in "La poesia garigita
nel Secolo degli Omayyadi," RSO 20 (1943): 331-72. Modern an-
thologies have been compiled, such as those of I. 'Abbas, Shi'r al-
Khawiirij (Beirut, 1963) and S. al-Qalamawi, Adab al-Khawiirij fi-l-
'a~r al-umawt (Cairo, 1954). The poetry of Tufayl and at-TirimmaQ.
has been edited and translated into English by F. Krenkow in The
Poems of Tufail ibn 'Auf al-Ghanawt and at-TirimmiiJ; ibn Ijaktm
at-Tii'yt (London, 1927). For expressions in prose, the "Questions of
Nafi' ibn al-Azraq" are in 'Abd al-Baqi's Mu'jam ghartb al-Qur'iin
(Cairo, 1950), pp. 234-92. There is an introduction to Iba<;li materials
by J. van Ess in his "Untersuchungen zu einigen iba<;litischen Hand-
schriften," ZDMG 126 (1976): 25-63; "Nachtrage," ZDMG 127
(1977): 1 -4. The accounts of Khariji movements and risings in
the time of Mu'awiya based on monographs by Abii Mikhnaf may
be found in al-Baladhuri's Ansiib Oerusalem, 1971}, IVa: 138-63. Al-
Mubarrad's section on the Khawarij has been translated into German
by O. Rescher in Die Kharidschitenkapitel aus dem Kiimil (Stuttgart,
1922), and Shahristani's section has been translated into English by

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