Iraq after the Muslim Conquest - Michael G. Morony

(Ann) #1

der sl'a und sein jiidischer Ursprung," ZA 23 (1909): 296-327; 24
(1910): 1-46; M. Houtsma, "'Abd Allah b. Saba" EI(1), I: 29-30;
and M. Hodgson, "'Abd Allah b. Saba'," EI(2), I: 51. On al-Mukhtar
and his movement at Kufa during the second fitna, see G. Levi Della
Vida, "al-Mukhtar," EI(1), III: 715-17; 'A. 'A. al-Bashari, al-Mu-
khtar (Cairo, 1958); and' A. 1:1. al-Kharbiitli, al-Mukhtar ath-Thaqaft,
mir'at al-'asr al-umawt (Cairo, 1962). K. A. Fariq's "The Story of
an Arab Diplomat," Studies in Islam, 3 (1966): 53-80, 119-42,227-
41; 4 (1967): 50-59, also concerns al-Mukhtar. For his erstwhile
Mahdi, see H. Benning's Mu~ammad ibn al-J:Ianafiyya (Erlangen, 1909),
and F. Buhl, "Mul:J.ammad b. al-l:Ianafiya," EI(2), III: 671-72. Con-
cerning his son see S. Moscati's "11 testamento di Abii Hashim," RSO
27 (1952): 28-46; and B. Lewis, "Abii Hashim," EI(2), I: 125.
The best introduction to the Kaysani movement, which was gen-
erated among al-Mukhtar's followers who survived, is now W. al-
Qa4i's al-Kaysaniyya fi ta'rtkh wa l-'adab (Beirut, 1974). C. van Ar-
endonk's "~aisaniya," EI(1), II: 658, is replaced by W. Madelung's
"Kaysaniyya," EI(2), IV: 836-38. M. Hodgson surveyed the extrem-
ists in "Ghulat," EI(2), II: 1093-95, and antinomianism in"Ibal:J.a,"
EI(2), Ill: 662-63. The extremists are treated more fully by 'A. S. al-
Samarra'i in al-Ghulii wa-l-firaq al-ghaliya fi-I-hadara l-islamiyya
(Baghdad, 139211972), while the term used for them is put into its
historical context by W. al-Qa4i in "The Development of the Term
Ghulat in Muslim Literature with Special Reference to the Kaysa-
niyya," Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Gottin-
gen, Phil-Hist. Klasse, ser. Ill, no. 98 (1976), pp. 295-319.
The most sophisticated treatment of the subgroups related to this
movement during the past decade has been that of W. F. Tucker,
starting with his "Revolutionary Chiliasm in Umayyad Iraq: A Study
of the Bayaniyyah, Mughiriyyah, Mansuriyyah and Janahiyyah Sects
of the Extreme Shi'a" (Ph.D. diss., Indiana Univ., 1971). Out of it
have come a series of articles on "Bayan b. Sam'an and the Bayaniyya:
Shi'ite Extremists of Umayyad Iraq," MW 65 (1975): 241-53; "Reb-
els and Gnostics: al-Mugira ibn Sa'id and the Mugiriyya," Arabica
22 (1975): 33-47; "Abii Man~iir al-'Ijli and the Man~iiriyya: A Study
in Medieval Terrorism," Der Islam 54 (1977): 66-76; and 'Abd Allah
ibn Mu'awiya and the Janal:J.iyya: Rebels and Ideologues of the Late
Umayyad Period," SI 51 (1980): 39-58.
The study of early Islamic eschatological expectations goes back to
M. Steinschneider's "Apocalypsen mit polemischer Tendenz," ZDMG

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