
(coco) #1

  1. Beautycounter
    For pushing its mis-
    sion of transparency
    beyond nontoxic in-
    gredients, into miti-
    gating the human toll
    of the supply chain—
    starting with mica

  2. Target For clean-
    ing up nearly 4,000
    products in the
    personal-care aisle

  3. L’Oréal For in-
    vesting in inclusion,
    from Made for All by
    Maybelline to a nail
    polish collab with
    Jonathan Van Ness

  4. Unilever
    For testing chewable
    toothpaste tablets,
    packageless sham-
    poo bars, and
    refillable cosmetics

  5. Vital Proteins
    For making collagen
    intake a lifestyle

  6. Sephora For em-
    bracing experiences

  7. Flamingo For
    rebranding female
    body grooming

  8. Mindbody For
    perfecting spa and
    salon appointments

  9. RevAir For flip-
    ping the hair dryer
    on its head

  10. Bravo Sierra
    For taking basics to
    boot camp with this
    line developed and
    tested by the military

This novel “reverse” hair dryer ($400) looks like a
shop vac, and indeed it sucks water out of hair. It also
straightens it—all in about 15 minutes, without expos-
ing the hair to prolonged heat, which can damage it.

  1. Merck For de-
    ploying an FDA-
    approved Ebola
    vaccine in Congo

  2. Sage
    For developing a
    treatment for post-
    partum depression

  3. Vertex For im-
    proving cystic fibrosis
    patients’ breathing
    4. Theranica
    For treating migraine
    pain with a wear-
    able electronic
    stimulation device
    5. Gelesis
    For managing
    weight loss with
    a hydrogel pill that
    simulates fullness
    6. Avita Medical
    For reducing burn
    victims’ need for
    grafts by 35% with
    “spray on” skin cells
    7. Syq e Me d i c a l
    For fashioning
    the first program-
    mable inhalation
    device for drug
    with cannabis




  1. White Claw
    For riding the wave
    of hard seltzer’s rise
    by appealing to men,
    women, and memes

  2. Aviation Gin
    For hilariously using
    meta advertising,
    pop culture, and
    Peloton’s misfortune
    to stand out in
    a crowded market

  3. Popeyes
    For cooking a new
    spicy chicken sand-
    wich into a social
    media phenomenon

  4. Mountain Dew
    For turning an apol-
    ogy to the Upper
    Peninsula of Michi-
    gan into a golden

  5. Fndr For helping
    brands like Glossier,
    Snap, Farfetch, and
    Daily Harvest find
    their voice
    6. Patagonia
    For empowering
    teen activists to chal-
    lenge government
    climate deniers
    7. Netflix
    For getting Burger
    King, Coca-Cola,
    Nike, and Baskin-
    Robbins to hype
    Stranger Things
    8. Ikea For embrac-
    ing weirdness, from
    its catalog of TV-
    show living rooms to
    its grime diss track
    Christmas ad
    9. Procter & Gam-
    ble For deploying its
    massive budget to
    provoke with The
    Look and the docu-
    series Activate
    10. Adidas For con-
    verting social influ-
    encers into sneaker
    salespeople with its
    e-commerce app

  6. Luckin Coffee
    For brewing the tech-
    centric chain restau-
    rant of the future

  7. Meituan-
    Dianping For prov-
    ing the transactional
    super app can be
    profitable by boost-
    ing its food-delivery
    membership pro-
    gram and increasing
    its ad revenue

  8. Alibaba Group
    For powering China’s
    digital transforma-
    tion with its “business
    operating system”

  9. Kuaishou For cu-
    rating its short videos
    to create a healthy
    space for minors

  10. Pinduoduo For
    alleviating rural pov-
    erty by connecting
    farmers to its 500
    million–plus buyers
    6. Bilibili For main-
    streaming its video
    platform from anime
    and games to music
    and education
    7. Yum China For
    catering to fans with
    personalized mobile
    menus and 300 new
    menu items, such as
    single-bone chicken
    8. Suning For serv-
    ing the 70% of
    China’s population in
    lower-tier cities with
    physical stores
    9. DeepBlue Tech-
    nology For launch-
    ing its autonomous
    buses across 10 cities
    10. Palace
    Museum Beijing
    For translating its col-
    lection into branch-
    ing-narrative movies,
    WeChat games,
    and funky souvenirs


  1. Intermountain
    Healthcare For
    initiating the largest
    genomics study

  2. Pivot Bio
    For helping farmers
    grow more corn

  3. AbCellera
    For accelerating the
    hunt for disease-
    fighting antibodies

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