
(coco) #1
Logistics Middle East Music

Media Not-for-Profit

  1. Big Hit
    For mobilizing
    (and monetizing)
    music fans

  2. Bravado
    For elevating artist
    into highly coveted

  3. Songclip For tak-
    ing your memes to
    the next level with
    licensed song snip-
    pets from major
    labels Universal,
    Warner, and Sony

  4. BMG For rethink-
    ing record deals to
    put more money in
    artists’ pockets, and
    making strategic
    expansions from
    Brazil to Nashville

  5. 88rising For ush-
    ering in a new wave
    of Asia-imported
    6. Gold Rush Vinyl
    For revolutionizing
    vinyl production by
    making records three
    times faster than the
    industry average
    7. D o l by For push-
    ing past surround
    sound to create a
    new way to record
    and listen to music
    8. Nvak Founda-
    tion For globalizing
    access to resources
    for overlooked artists
    in such countries as
    Armenia and Malawi
    9. Gener8tor
    For using the startup
    accelerator model to
    empower musicians
    10. Pandora
    For extending its
    Music Genome
    Project algorithm to
    podcasts to give
    personalized recom-

  6. Attabotics
    For saving thou-
    sands of square feet
    in warehouse space

  7. Footprint
    For making com-
    postable, recycled
    packaging solutions
    for everything from
    TVs to frozen dinners

  8. Target
    For using retail stores
    to make same-day
    delivery its most
    appealing (and
    profitable) online-
    shopping option

  9. Tradeshift
    For detecting social
    risks, such as child la-
    bor, in supply chains

  10. Olam
    For connecting
    Big Food with
    110,000-plus sus-
    tainable farmers

  11. Flowspace For
    offering small busi-
    nesses small-scale
    warehousing and
    fulfillment so they
    can keep up with
    e-commerce giants

  12. Controlant For
    monitoring refriger-
    ated products—from
    food to pharmaceu-
    the shipping process

  13. Command
    Alkon For modern-
    izing the construc-
    tion industry with a
    material manage-
    ment platform

  14. Omnichain
    Solutions For em-
    ploying blockchain
    to track CPG supply

  15. Del Bravo
    For automating cus-
    toms across the
    U.S.-Mexico border

  16. Color of Change
    For leveraging the
    star power of When
    They See Us to
    make local criminal
    justice reforms

  17. Truth Initiative
    For smoking out
    the teen vaping

  18. GiveDirectly
    For proving that ba-
    sic income stipends
    radically help com-
    munities, and trans-
    forming disaster aid

  19. Civica Rx For
    manufacturing ge-
    neric drugs at lower
    prices to combat
    shortages and rising
    healthcare costs

  20. B Lab For push-
    ing responsible
    capitalism into the
    mainstream business

  21. Rippleworks
    For helping social
    ventures scale up,
    with cash and exec-
    utive consultants

  22. Define Ameri-
    can For partnering
    with Comedy Cen-
    tral to help comedi-
    ans develop smart
    immigration bits

  23. Upsolve For re-
    lieving $50 million in
    debt by simplifying
    the process of filing
    for bankruptcy

  24. Charity:Water
    For creating a fund-
    ing model where
    nonprofit workers
    benefit as much as
    wealthy donors

  25. Clara Lionel
    For approaching
    climate disaster
    relief preventatively

  26. Healthy.io
    For using smart-
    phone cameras to
    diagnose chronic
    kidney disease and
    manage wounds

  27. UBQ Materials
    For transforming
    garbage into raw
    materials for manu-
    facturing plastic

  28. The Modist For
    expanding its own
    collection of modest
    fashion and partner-
    ing with global
    boutique Farfetch to
    grow its reach

  29. RecycloBekia
    For recycling
    e-waste and safely
    destroying data in
    the Arab world

  30. Instabeat For
    launching its wear-
    able technology on
    swimming goggles

  31. Souktel
    For designing and
    delivering mobile
    services to link peo-
    ple with jobs and
    connect aid agen-
    cies with communi-
    ties that need help

  32. Vezeeta
    For linking Egyptians
    with doctors on
    its medical search

  33. Tenderd For
    making a market for
    renting construction
    machinery in build-
    ing-happy Dubai

  34. Intuition Robot-
    ics For developing
    a social companion
    bot for elder care

  35. REE For creating
    a flat, modular chas-
    sis for electric vehi-
    cles to reduce weight
    and boost efficiency

  36. Spotify
    For tapping into the
    power of podcasts
    to create a more
    engaged audience—
    and sell more ads

  37. Hello Sunshine
    For becoming the
    go-to catapult for
    women protagonists

  38. Bleacher Report
    For speaking to sports
    fans like one of them,
    wherever they are

  39. The New York
    Times Company
    For sparking a pro-
    vocative conversa-
    tion about slavery’s
    legacy, in print, au-
    dio, live events, and
    classroom materials

  40. The Athletic
    For persuading
    almost 1 million
    people to pay for

  41. Time Out
    Group For parlay-
    ing its local guide ex-
    pertise into a global
    food-hall business

  42. TC G For making
    the most audacious
    bets on new media
    startups and advising
    them on how to scale

  43. Complex
    For helping brands
    develop products
    for its streetwear-
    clad, heat-seeking

  44. Substack For en-
    abling one-person
    media brands to go
    direct to consumer

  45. SmartNews
    For driving audi-
    ences to digital
    publishers via its
    driven news app

This $249 smart device, developed
in Lebanon, attaches to a swim-
mer’s goggles to provide real-time
heart rate feedback, track strokes
and laps, and offer detailed analyt-
ics to elevate performance and
motivation in the water.


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