- Years, Months, Days II: Grids of the Fasti
goal of this rhythm of the city’s time as well. With his redefinition and appropria-
tion of the Romans’ eponymous lists, past triumphs, and past Ludi Saeculares,
Augustus over the years created a profound reconfiguration of the systems of rep-
resenting the past time of the city. This reconfiguration centered on his own per-
son and that of his heir, in the process forging links with Rome ’s divine origins and
creating a new imperial dating era. The Republican time systems appear to be still
in place, but by the end of Augustus’s reign their symbolic power, iconography,
and resonance have been compromised and redrawn.
Figure11. (above)
The Capitoline Fasti for the years 1 – 7 c.e., a transcript of the text in figure 10.
Degrassi 1947, 61.
Figure12. (right)
The Republican Fasti Antiates Maiores for 1 – 16 January. Degrassi 1963, 2.