The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1

p. [xiii]^


Testimonies before the Israeli Commission of Inquiry on the Yom Kippur War (the Agranat
Commission, AC), all in Hebrew, are accessible from the list on the IDF Archive website, Page numbers are in
the pdf versions, not the original typescripts, where the pagination is erratic. The commission’s
reports, accessible from the list at
agranat_commission.asp, are referred to by the pagination in the text. The Commission’s
Additional Partial Report is abbreviated here to APR.

Documents from the Israel State Archive are cited by division (HZ-), box/file (4082/7).

Documents from NA(PRO)—National Archive (formerly Public Records Office), London—
are in file FCO 39/1265, unless otherwise indicated.

Documents in Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) are cited by administration
( J=Johnson, N=Nixon), volume (XIX) and document number (no. 491), rather than page
number, to facilitate location in the e-book versions.

All references to the Mitrokhin Archive (MA) are to file MITN 2/24, “Near and Middle East,”
by page and item number.

Two frequently cited works are The Rise of Detente: Document Reader (M. Munteanu et al.,
eds), abbreviated to DR, and David C. Geyer and Douglas E. Selvage’s Soviet-American
Relations: The Détente Years, 1969–1972, abbreviated to SAR.


  1. AC, Tal Testimony, Part 1, p. 27.

  2. Akopov, transcript, p. 27; Vladimir Voronov, “Zhara, klopy i ‘stingery,’” Sobesednik
    (Moscow), reprinted in Ekho (Tel Aviv), 13 September 1999, p. 42. Col.-Gen. Boris Utkin
    of the Military History Institute put the figure at “15,000–20,000 at the end of 1971,” in
    Valery Vartanov et al. (eds), Rukopozhatie cherez chetvert’ veka, 1973–1998: Materialy
    nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (Russian and Arabic), Moscow: Institute of Military
    History, Council of Veterans of War in Eg ypt and Attaché Office of Eg yptian Arab Republic,
    1999, p. 12. A total figure of 60,000 was recently calculated, based on Russian sources, as
    against 26,000 in Korea, 43,000 in Cuba and over 6,000 in Vietnam; Evgeny Platunov,
    “Provaly v pamyati,” Altaiskaya Pravda, 30 May 2007,–
    07/10.html. The strength of Soviet air defense units in Vietnam has been estimated at a
    total of 10,000 men throughout the war, three divizyons at a time (as against dozens in

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