The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

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pp. [3–6]^

Documents from East-Central European Archives, Washington, DC: Cold War International
History Project, 2004, p. 36.

  1. Egorin, Egipet, p. 185.

  2. Yury Nastenko, “Aviatsiya v Egipte,” in Safonov et al., Grif, pp. 55–7.

  3. Vladimir Semenov, “Ot Khrushcheva do Gorbacheva: Iz dnevnika Chrezvychaynogo i
    Polnomochnogo posla, zamestitelya ministra inostrannykh del SSSR,” Novaya i Noveyshaya
    Istoriya, 3 (May–June 2004), p. 131.

  4. Russian air historian Mikhail Zhirokhov adds that the putative intervention “would have
    been supported by no less than twelve fighter regiments commanded by ... Vybornov. But
    the idea proved impractical.” Mikhail Zhirokhov and David Nicolle, “The Unknown
    Heroes: Soviet Pilots in the Middle East 1955–1970,” Group 73 Historians, Part 1, http://–03–16–12–04–49/190. He dates this
    “immediately after the June War,” but Vybornov’s own statements prove that he was already
    in Eg ypt in the run-up to the war.

  5. Report of July 2006 interview with Vybornov by a researcher for television documentary
    in which Ginor served as adviser, in authors’ possession. He evidently referred to Cairo-
    West airbase.

  6. Mordechai Altshuler, “Daat hakahal vehateguva hayehudit bi-Brit ha-Mo’atzot le-mil-
    hemet sheshet ha-yamim: Ti’ud hadash,” Contemporary Jewry: Zionism, the State of Israel,
    and the Diaspora ( Jerusalem and Haifa), 11–12 (1998), pp. 241–62; Yeshayahu Nir, The
    Israeli–Arab Conflict in Soviet Caricatures, 1967–1973, Tel Aviv: Tcherikover, 1976, pp. 58,
    101, 103, 109.

  7. Aleksandr Lokshin, “Shestidnevnaya voyna i sovetskaya propaganda,” Lekhayim, 159
    (Moscow), July 2005,

  8. Leonid Mlechin, Zachem Stalin sozdal Izrail’?, Moscow: Yauza-Eksmo, 2005, p. 436.

  9. Ro’i and Morozov, June 1967, pp. 20–1, 319.

  10. Lt-Col. Anatoly Isaenko, “Polety na Blizhniy Vostok,” NVO, 15 December 2006. http://–12–15/5_polety.html. In this comment on V. Sochnev, “My byli
    pervymi,” Isaenko specified that his group of linguists was recruited early enough to be
    “sitting in the planes” at Chkalovsky military airport near Moscow by 9 June; http://

  11. Egorin, Egipet, pp. 174–5.

  12. Ro’i and Morozov, June 1967, p. 320.

  13. Egorin, Egipet, p. 202.

  14. CIA Directorate of Intelligence, “Intelligence Report: Leonid Brezhnev, the Man and His
    Power” (CAESAR XXXVII), 5 December 1969, pp. 9–12,

  15. Ma’ariv, 11 October 1967, p. 16.

  16. E.g., “there were indications the military aid was promised before the war broke out.” UPI,
    “Reds Pledge Food, Planes to Eg ypt,” Vancouver Sun, 24 June 1967, p. 11; “US sources ...
    said the volume was not especially large and could be a carry-over of material en route
    before the war started”; AP, “Russia Rebuilding Eg yptian Forces,” Leader-Post (Regina,
    SK), 21 June 1967, p. 1.

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