The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [6–9]^

  1. Whetten, Canal War, p. 59.

  2. Sochnev, “My byli pervymi.”

  3. Zhirokhov states that each An-12 carried only one “MiG-17, a MiG-21 or a Su-7B.”
    Zhirokhov and Nicolle, “Unknown Heroes,” Part 1. Thus the claim that the first two An-12
    flights brought twenty fighters to Eg ypt (Ro’i and Morozov, June 1967, p. 21) is clearly

  4. Following quotations from Brezhnev’s speech are from Hershberg, Aftermath, document
    no. 2, pp. 14ff. The figures included shipments to Syria and Iraq, as well as Algeria, to off-
    set its transfers to Eg ypt.

  5. Interviewed in Elena Pavlova, “Spetszadaniya s peresecheniem gosgranitsy,” Vitebsky Kur’er,
    2 September 2005. Dikusarov was later appointed political officer of his “battalion.”

  6. Isaenko, “Polety.” This corresponds with reports that a paratroop division had been train-
    ing in Crimea (and another in Azerbaijan) for a month before the Six-Day War for a drop
    in Israel, and kept in readiness on the runways for its duration. Isabella Ginor and Gideon
    Remez, “The Six-Day War as a Soviet Initiative: New Evidence and Methodological Issues,”
    Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA), 12, 3 (2008), http://www.gloria-–09–02/#_ednref20

  7. Sochnev, “My byli pervymi”; “Veteran G.A.,” posting from 25 September 2007 on http://

  8. Rubinstein, Red Star, p. 14. Podgorny’s official title was chairman of the Supreme Soviet

  9. Richard Eder, “Yugoslavs Confirm Soviet Replacement of 100 MiG’s Eg yptians Lost in
    Wa r ,” NYT, 18 June 1967, p. 24.

  10. [Simha] Dinitz, Rome, to director-general, Foreign Ministry, 19 June 1967, ISA

  11. Anatoly Z. Egorin, “Iz-pod arabskoy zheltoy kaski sineli russkiye glaza,” Trud-7 (Moscow),
    6 March 1998, p. 22.

  12. Handwritten glossary of Arabic terms in Russian transliteration, http://www.hubara-rus.

  13. Semenov, “Ot Khrushcheva,” entry for 6 June 1967, Part 1, pp. 130–1.

  14. Petr Lashchenko, “Zapiski Glavnogo Voennogo Sovetnika,” Voenno-Istorichesky Zhurnal,
    11 (November 1996), p. 49.

  15. AP, “Airliner Departs from Cairo,” News-Press (St. Joseph, MO), 17 June 1967, p. 7.

  16. John A. Callcott, UPI, “Eg ypt Today Is a Land of Uncertainty and Fear,” News and Courier
    (Charleston, SC), 18 June 1967, p. 6C.

  17. Dennis Neeld, AP (“Based in Cairo during the Arab–Israeli war, [now] reports from
    Greece ... on Eg yptian developments”), “Ex-prisoners Detained,” Leader-Post (Regina,
    SK), 22 June 1967, p. 16.

  18. Gaven Hudgins, AP, “War Fever Weeks an Eternity,” Morning Herald (Daytona Beach,
    FL), 13 June 1967, pp. 1, 8.

  19. Don McGillivray, Southam News Service, “After Noisy Defiance, a Stunned Silence,”
    Edmonton Journal, 9 June 1967, p. 1.

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