The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [9–10]^

  1. McGillivray, “17 Hours of Terror in Mob-Ruled Cairo,” an “uncensored story following
    his return from a month in Cairo,” describes Westerners being attacked on the night of
    Nasser’s resignation. Edmonton Journal, 20 June 1967, p. 22.

  2. For a detailed analysis of CIA performance, see Ginor and Remez, “Too Little.”

  3. Fred S. Hoffman, AP, “Reds Give Eg ypt 50 MiGs since War,” Hopkinsville Kentucky New
    Era, 21 June 1967, p. 7; “Soviets May Send Newer Arms to Help Rebuild Eg ypt Forces,”
    CSM, 23 June 1967, p. 5.

  4. Marquis Childs, United Features Syndicate, “Johnson–Kosygin Summit Results Not
    Productive,” Daily Times (Watertown, NY), 28 June 1967, p. 6.

  5. John F. Walsh, executive secretary, Control Group, to McGeorge Bundy, White House,
    15 June 1967. LBJ, box 15: Memos to President and White House. Emphasis in

  6. Col. Yury Makarenko, interviewed in Meyden, “Na rasstoyanii.”

  7. Interviewed in Viktoriya Gefele, “Napishi ty mne, mama, v Egipet,” Podrobnee (Yaroslavl’),
    23 March 2003. Similar figures and descriptions are given by Viktor Rogozhinsky in “Kak
    nash zemlyak v Egipte sluzhil,” Pavlogradskie Novosti (Ukraine), 14 November 2004,

  8. Voronov, “Zhara”; Irina Temirova and Vladimir Shunevich, “Vo vremya voyny na Sinaye,
    izrail’tyanye menyali egipetskikh plennykh na arbuzy,” Fakty i komentarii (Kiev),
    26 December 2000. For comparison, a more modest Zaporozhets (the Soviet version of
    a Fiat 600), cost 3,500 rubles or 700 foreign currency certificates; to save that much, an
    interpreter had to forgo luxuries in Eg ypt. Petr Stavitsky, “Krylataya fraza,” website of
    Military Language School alumni, 18 March 2011,
    2011/03/18/bayki/6/. Lt-Col. Gumar Sagdutdinov, then a junior political officer who
    served fourteen months in Syria including the 1973 war, saved enough to buy the export
    version of the Moskvich. Timur Latypov, “O druzhbe, voyne i nefti,” Vremya i Dengi
    (Kazan), 23 February 2006,

  9. Col. Linkov in Aleksandr Bondarenko, “Kak mariupol’tsy zashchishchali nebo Egipta,”
    Priazovsky Rabochy (Mariupol, Ukraine), 4 March 2008,

  10. Evgeny Lashenko interviewed in Sergey Komlev, “Voyna u Piramid,” Rech’ (Cherepovets,
    Russia), 30 September 2005.

  11. Mlechin, Stalin, pp. 437–8.

  12. Anatoly Chernyaev, The Diary of Anatoly S. Cheryaev, 1972, Washington: National
    Security Archive, 2012,
    1972%20as%20of%20May%2024,%202012%20FINAL.pdf, p. 23.

  13. Walsh to Bundy, 15 June 1967.

  14. Rubinstein, Red Star, pp. 13–14.

  15. Hal Ford, chief DD-I Special Research Staff, CIA, “The Growth of the Soviet Commitment
    in the Middle East (Reference Title ESAU-XLIX),” January 1971, CIA FOIA website,, sum-
    mary at
    DOC_0000501068.pdf, p. 32 (in the summary).

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