The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

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pp. [97–102]^

Missile,” memorandum from Battle to Rusk, 20 June 1968, FRUS J-XX, no. 306 and
no. 196.

  1. Robert J. Murray, “Negotiations with Israel: F-4 and Advanced Weapons,” 5 November
    1968; Harry Schwartz, “F-4 Negotiations with the Israelis,” 9 November 1968. FRUS
    J-XX, no. 308 and no. 311.

  2. Benjamin Welles, “U.S. Will Sell Israel 58 Phantom Jets,” NYT, 7 November 1968, p. 2;
    Hedrick Smith, “U.S. Will Start Delivering F-4 Jets to Israel in 1969,” NYT, 28 December
    1968, p. 1. The Americans told Eg yptian Foreign Minister Riad that the promise was
    leaked by “someone in the aircraft industry,” but did not deny it. FRUS J-XX, no. 314.

  3. Ma’ariv, 25 October 1968, p. 1.

  4. Mohamed Hassanein Heikal, The Sphinx and the Commissar: The Rise and Fall of Soviet
    Influence in the Middle East, New York: Harper and Row, 1978, p. 154.

  5. Department of State Memorandum of Conversation 7725942, Gromyko and Vance,
    30 September 1977. Kindly shared by Michael Oren.

  6. Leonid Nikolaev: “Arabsky Ace #1,” Ekho Stolitsy (Moscow), 9 July 1999.

  7. Egorin, Egipet, p. 185.

  8. Dashkov and Golotyuk, “Arabo-izrail’sky konflikt,” unpaginated, endnote 3.

  9. Alizadeh, interview. This probably refers to the P-12 system that was “lifted” by the Israelis
    a year later; its usual description only as a “radar station” omits its other functions.

  10. Egorin, Egipet, p. 185.

  11. Foreign Ministry to mission in New York, 21 November 1968, ISA HZ-4221/5.

  12. Victor Israelyan, On the Battlefields of the Cold War, University Park, PA: Penn State
    University Press, 2003, pp. 165–6.

  13. Goldmann to Eshkol, 19 November 1968, ISA HZ-4221/5.

  14. This comment was made to the director-general of the Austrian Foreign Ministry, who
    told the Israeli ambassador. Z[e’ev] Scheck, embassy in Vienna, to Foreign Ministry direc-
    tor-general, 13 January 1971 ISA HZ-4605/3.

  15. Mordechai Gazit, “Conversation of M.G. with ‘David’ [Primakov] on 8 October [1971],”
    p. 7, ISA A-7037/17.

  16. Teko’a to [Michael] Comay, Foreign Ministry, 25 October 1968, ISA HZ-4221/5. Teko’a
    too had stipulated confidentiality, but news of the meeting emerged on 19 December
    1968, in Ha’aretz from its New York correspondent.

  17. Israel Foreign Ministry Research Department, 7 June 1970, ISA HZ-4605/2.

  18. Yehoshu’a Bitzur, Ma’ariv, 31 October 1968, p. 3. How Allon inferred this from his talks
    in Washington is unclear.

  19. Herzog, Ma’ariv, 13 October 1968, p. 10.


  21. Badry, Ramad an War, p. 16.

  22. For example, Bar-Siman-Tov, War of Attrition.

  23. Henry Kissinger, The White House Years, Boston: Little, Brown, 1979, p. 1286.

  24. For Sedov’s role during the Six-Day War, see Foxbats, pp. 110, 200–3.

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