The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [119–122]^

  1. Sherman, Bunkers, p. 28. This claim is made, almost verbatim, in the official “victory album”
    (Brig.-Gen. Yitzhak Arad et al., eds, 1000 ha-yamim: 12 yuni 1967–8 august 1970, Tel
    Aviv: [IDF] General Staff Chief Education Officer and Ministry of Defense Publishing,
    undated [1970], p. 220), which confirms that Sherman’s statement reflected the IDF’s
    publicity line.

  2. Alizadeh, interview.

  3. Karpov, “Vospominaniya,” pp. 105–6.

  4. Serkov, Liniya fronta, entry for 1 August 1969, p. 91.

  5. Badry, Ramadan War, pp. 121–4; the SAM-3s’ subsequent success in shooting down six
    Phantoms is attributed to these Eg yptian crews with no mention of the Soviets, though
    other sources clarify that the first Eg yptian crews did not complete their training for this
    system until after the ceasefire of August 1970.

  6. Heikal, Road to Ramadan, pp. 77–8.

  7. Slukhay, Katyshkin.

  8. Karpov, “Vospominaniya,” pp. 105–7. He also mentions a high-ranking delegation from
    the Soviet Air Defense headquarters that inspected Eg yptian air defense forces “before
    9 September,” but does not clarify whether it was connected with Savitsky’s visit. Serkov,
    Liniya fronta, pp. 91–3.

  9. Molodtsov, “Opyt.”

  10. Kubersky, Egipet-69, Part 1.

  11. Alexey Chebotarev, “Ekskluzivnoe interv’yu sozdatelya ‘Igly,’” Solidarnost’, 40 (29 October

  12. Heikal, Road to Ramadan, p. 61. The visit ended on 2 February. UPI, “Diplomatic Door
    Opens,” Daily Times (Watertown, NY), 2 February 1969, p. 1.

  13. Malashenko, Vspominaya, p. 299.

  14. CIA “Intelligence Memorandum: The Soviet ‘Strela’ System; A Man-Portable SAM,”
    21 July 1970,

  15. Col. Viktor Tkachev, “‘Strely’ i ‘shilki’ v boyu,” VKO, 6, 25 (25 July 2005), http://mili-

  16. Interviewed in “TV Profiles, Shows Lifetime Work of Top Russian Missile Designer,”
    Moscow Channel 1 TV, 23 May 2003; transcribed in English, Russian Military and
    Security Media Coverage 2326, 2 (17 June 2003),

  17. Shalom, Phantoms, vol. 1 p. 464.

  18. Kubersky, Egipet-69, Part 1.

  19. Yaremenko, “Sovetsko-egipetskoe voennoe sotrudnichestvo,” pp. 45–6. A similar claim
    is made in Zolotarev et al., Rossiya, for which Yaremenko was the lead contributor on the
    Middle East (p. 189). It adds that Eg yptians were trained to operate the Strela in the
    Orenburg region of Russia.

  20. Schueftan, Attrition, p. 439.

  21. Telephone interview with Yaremenko, 21 January 2001.

  22. Viktor S. Logachev, “Eto zabyt’ nevozmozhno,” in Safonov et al., Grif, p. 153.

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