The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [122–128]^

  1. A. Smirnov, “Operatsiya ‘Kavkaz’: V gushche sobytiy,” in Meyer et al., To g d a, p. 31.

  2. Yaremenko, “Sovetsko-egipetskoe voennoe sotrudnichestvo,” pp. 45–6.

  3. Kubersky, Egipet-69, Part 1.

  4. Bar-Siman-Tov, War of Attrition, p. 147.

  5. Philip Benn, Ma’ariv, 30 July 1969, p. 2.

  6. Lewis W. Bowden, “Soviet Oral Statement on Suez Cease Fire,” 1 August 1969. NARA,
    Nixon Presidential Materials project, NSC files, country files, box 710, USSR, vol. XXI.

  7. Nastenko, “Aviatsiya v Egipte,” pp. 55–7, 59.

  8. Zhirokhov and Nicolle, “Unknown Heroes,” Part 2.

  9. Abramov, Goluboe, p. 47.

  10. Zhirokhov and Nicolle, “Unknown Heroes,” Part 2.

  11. Alizadeh, interview.

  12. Gordon, Thirty Hours, pp. 107–8.


    1. Dobrynin’s report was submitted by Gromyko to the Politburo only on 12 July. SAR,
      no. 24, pp. 66, 70n1.

    2. By February 1970, Washington officials admitted that “they could not believe their ears”
      when the Soviets rejected the Rogers Plan in December, as this in effect tore up under-
      standings that had been reached months before between Rogers and Gromyko as well as
      between Sisco and Dobrynin. They attributed the about-face to Nasser’s “veto” over Soviet
      policy. Philip Benn, Ma’ariv, 27 February 1970, p. 10.

    3. Kirk J. Beattie, Eg ypt during the Nasser Years, Boulder, CO: Westview, 1994, p. 225.

    4. James, “Eg yptian Decision-Making,” p. 99.

    5. Heikal, Road to Ramadan, p. 81.

    6. This mention of the still-experimental MiG-25s appears to confirm the Foxbats’ missions
      from Eg ypt over Israel in May 1967, as outlined in Foxbats—and Nasser’s awareness of

    7. Chazov, Zdorov’e i vlast’, pp. 47–55.

    8. “Nasser Reported Fighting Soviet Ouster,” St. Petersburg Times (FL), 18 September 1969,
      p. 3-A; AP and Reuters, “Nasser Fears Ouster; Purge of Reds Hinted,” Calgary Herald,
      8 Sept 1969, p. 1.

    9. UPI, “Nasser Kicks Russian Advisor Out of Eg ypt,” Dispatch (Lexington, NC),
      20 September 1969, p. 1.

  14. The Soviets also exploited the El-Aqsa arson: the KGB rezidentura in New Delhi spent
    5,000 rupees to rent a crowd of “20,000 Moslems” for a protest outside the US embassy.
    Report by Andropov to the Central Committee, 25 August 1969, obtained by the authors
    in 1992.

  15. Eliahu Salpeter, “Dateline Jerusalem,” Canadian Jewish Chronicle Review (17 October
    1969), p. 16.

  16. UPI, “Soviet, Nasser Meeting Soon,” Press-Courier (Oxnard, CA), 28 September 1967,
    p. 6.

  17. UPI, “Nasser Reported Nearly Recovered,” Milwaukee Journal, 24 September 1969, p. B-2.

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