The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [130–132]^

  1. Nikolay Zubashenko, “Gennady Shishlakov: ‘Egipetsky serebryany orden ya poluchil za
    to, chto podbil amerikansky samolet Mirazh,’” Establishment (Zaporozhe, Ukraine),
    5 April 2006. The Shilka entered service in Soviet forces only in 1965, and in ’67 was still
    in the process of replacing earlier models.

  2. Lt-Gen. A.D. Sidorov (chief of cadres in the USSR Ministry of Defense), “Dlia tekh, kto
    voeval,” Krasnaya zvezda, 12 October 1989, p. 2, quoted in Richard F. Staar, “Russia’s
    National Security Concept,” Perspective, 8, 3 ( January–February 1998), http://www.

  3. Dashkov and Golotyuk, “Arabo-izrail’sky konflikt.”

  4. Slukhay, Katyshkin.

  5. Foxbats, p. 167.

  6. Reuters, Davar, 10 December 1969, p. 2.

  7. Badry, Ramadan War, p. 149.

  8. Shalom, Phantoms, vol. 1, pp. 557–8; Alizadeh, interview.

  9. Arye Yodfat, The Soviet Union and the Middle East, Tel Aviv: Ministry of Defense, February
    1973, p. 32.

  10. Liad Barkat, “Nordim al ha-Nilus,” Heyl ha-Avir (IAF Magazine), 126, April 1999, http://

  11. Smirnov, “Operatsiya ‘Kavkaz’: v gushche sobytiy,” p. 26.

  12. Ze’ev Schiff, “Ha-Hatashah,” Heyl ha-Avir (IAF magazine), 91 ( July 1973), p. 133.

  13. Zub, “Sovetskie moryaki: Voiny-internatsionalisty v OAR-Egipet,” pp. 77–9. Badry
    (Ramadan War, p. 17) describes the attack with no mention of Soviet participation.

  14. The first group of F-4 pilots and WSOs, ten men in all including the two prospective
    squadron leaders, were trained in the US from January to February through July 1969.
    Ten additional crewmen were sent only in May 1970 for ten-day sessions on a simulator
    of the Iranian Air Force, which had received its first F-4s in September 1968. Shalom,
    Phantoms, vol. 1, pp. 394–406, vol. 2, p. 1098; Joe Baugher, “Phantom with Iran,” http://

  15. AP, “Nasser Aides in Moscow for Talks,” Daytona Beach Morning Herald, 8 December
    1969, p. 2.

  16. Anthony Astrakhan (Washington Post, Moscow), “Kosygin outlines Soviet stand on Mid-
    East,” Times (Geneva, NY), 11 December 1969, p. 33. Korn (Stalemate, p. 190) makes
    an unsourced claim that “in December, Soviet leaders made an in-principle commitment
    to Sadat, Fawzi and Riad for supply of the SA-3,” but without Soviet personnel—which
    now appears to be an understatement.

  17. Serkov, Liniya fronta, p. 119.

  18. For example, A.V. Zhdanov, “Egipet, 1969–1970,” in Safonov et al., Grif, p. 80.

  19. Riad, Struggle for Peace, pp. 112–14; Gordon, Thirty Hours, p. 103.

  20. Interview by Hayyim Tal, Israel Channel 1 Television, Moscow, August 2007.

  21. See, e.g., Timur Latypov, “V efire obshchat’sya tol’ko po-arabski ...” Vremya i Dengi,
    1 August 2006,

  22. Evgeny Lashenko, interviewed in Komlev, “Voyna u piramid.”

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