The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [132–136]^

  1. “Delegates Report to Nasser,” NYT, 13 December 1969.

  2. Heikal, Road to Ramadan, p. 79. The “motorcade took four hours to reach city center [of
    Benghazi],” Reuters, “Libyans Laud Nasser despite Talks Failure,” Calgary Herald,
    29 December 1969, p. 2. Nicholas Hagger’s eyewitness account (The Libyan Revolution:
    Its Origins and Legacy, a Memoir and Assessment, London: O Books, 2009, p. 71) con-
    firms the story.

  3. Batitsky’s standing in the Soviet establishment is illustrated by his having personally exe-
    cuted former NKVD boss Lavrenty Berya in 1953. Sergo Berya, Moy Otets: Lavrenty
    Berya, Moscow: Sovremennik, 1994, p. 380. He commanded a Soviet air defense expedi-
    tionary force in the Chinese Civil War in 1950. Zolotarev et al., Rossiya, pp. 63–4.

  4. Interviewed in Karyukin, “Kak Soyuz Izrail’ nakazyval.”

  5. Pochtarev, “Kak podrezali kryl’ya fantomam.” Smirnov retired as deputy commander of
    air defense forces.

  6. Abdel-Malek Khalil, “Building a Wall of Missiles,” Al-Ahram Weekly, 8 October 1998. The
    interview was conducted in Moscow, evidently in connection with the veterans’ confer-
    ence on the 1973 war, the proceedings of which were published in Vartanov et al.,

  7. Interviewed in Galanin, “Boi nad piramidani.”

  8. “18-ya (28-ya) Krasnoznamennaya diviziya PVO osobogo naznacheniya,” http://www.

  9. Zolotarev et al., Rossiya, pp. 190–1.

  10. Abramov, Goluboe, p. 43.

  11. Zhayvoronok, “Vozvrashchenie k proshlomu,” p. 45. The designation of “brigade” for
    components of the air defense division—which in usual Soviet practice was composed of
    “regiments”—was adopted to match the Eg yptian system and thus to mask the Soviet pres-
    ence. See “18-ya (28-ya) Krasnoznamennaya diviziya PVO osobogo naznacheniya.”


  13. Temirova and Shunevich, “Vo vremya voyny.”

  14. Logachev, “Eto zabyt’ nevozmozhno,” p. 143. According to Presnukhin, Jews in his outfit
    were permitted to decline the mission after they guessed its destination. Gefele, “Napishi.”

  15. Temirova and Shunevich, “Vo vremya voyny.”

  16. Galanin, “Boi nad piramidani.”

  17. V. Rakovsky: “Napishi mne, mama, v Egipet,” Melitopolskiye Vedomosti (Ukraine), 5 October
    1999, quoted in Yefim Segal and Zinovy Dubrovski: “Ne dolzhny molchat’,” Novosty Nedelyi
    (Tel Aviv), 2 March 2000, p. 19.

  18. Personal communication from Zekharia Chesno, Jerusalem, 13 December 2000.

  19. “18-ya (28-ya) Krasnoznamennaya diviziya PVO osobogo naznacheniya” lists seven mili-
    tary districts from Kaliningrad to Baku that contributed divizyons or components. A year
    later, their replacements would be drawn from as far as the Far East.

  20. Oleg Grachev, “Egipet: V pritsele—nebo,” Vecherny Chelyabinsk, 27 May 1998.

  21. Rakovsky, “Napishi mne.”

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