The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [140–143]^

recently exposed as a collaborator with Soviet intelligence in the 1930s and 1940s; Samuel
Nicholson, “A Most Unlikely Agent: Robert S. Allen,” Washington Decoded, 11 September
Thomas E. Ricks, “Patton’s Third Army Deputy Intel Officer Briefly Was on the KGB’s
P a y r o l l ,” Foreign Policy (1 December 2010),

  1. Vladimir I. Kryshtob, “I eta voyna byla by zavtra ...,” Novaya Gazeta, 26 July 2004,

  2. This source was a former Soviet serviceman living in Israel, who related to the authors that
    his non-Jewish classmate was sent with a tank unit to Eg ypt in 1971. Other references
    include the Shilka gunner Shishlakov, who mentioned “tanks” but gave no further detail;
    Zubashenko, “Gennady Shishlakov.” The announcement in 2014 of a planned memorial
    for Soviet casualties in Eg ypt listed tankists among the “experts” who were repatriated in

  3. Slukhay, Katyshkin.

  4. Khalil, “Building a Wall of Missiles”; Zolotarev et al., Rossiya, pp. 190–1.

  5. Interview in Yedi’ot Ahronot, 2 March 1990, quoted in Korn, Stalemate, p. 229. Korn rec-
    onciles this date with the SAM units’ supposed dispatch after Nasser’s appeal in January
    1970 by referring to the deployment of Popov’s outfit on the canal front in March.

  6. A.G. Smirnov, “O podgotovke i provedenii operatsii ‘Kavkaz,’” in Safonov et al., Grif,
    pp. 19–21. This is evidently the delegation referred to by Katyshkin’s biographer: “at the
    end of the 1960s, a Soviet military contingent arrived in Eg ypt ... [including ] air force
    pilots, led by the famous ace from the Great Patriotic War, HSU Gen S[emen]. I. Kharlamov,
    an air defense division under General ... Smirnov, radiotechnic, engineering and other
    detachments.” Slukhay, Katyshkin.

  7. Kryshtob, “I eta voyna byla by zavtra ...”; Konstantin Popov (“Divizyony dayut ognya,” in
    Meyer et al., To g d a, p. 306), relates a similar Strela incident while his divizyon was sta-
    tioned in Alexandria in March 1970. He describes the plane, however, as an Eg yptian
    An-24 airliner.

  8. Abraham Rabinovich, Sefinot Cherbourg, Re’ut (Israel): Meltzer, 2001, pp. 137, 138–9,

  9. V.M. Pak, “Vspominaya shtab flota,” in Meyer et al., To g d a, p. 277.

  10. Kryshtob, “I eta voyna byla by zavtra ...”

  11. G[avri’el] Strassman, Ma’ariv, 29 December 1969, p. 2, quoting Claire Hollingworth in
    the Daily Telegraph the same day.

  12. L. Zakharov, “Komandirovka v Egipet,” p. 31.

  13. Vinogradov, “Sovetskie voiny v Egipte,” p. 11.

  14. Roy Macartney, “US Is Disillusioned over Middle East,” Sydney Morning Herald, 30 January
    1970, p. 2.

  15. SAR, no. 42, pp. 110–12 and no. 43, pp. 112–13.

  16. Sakharov, High Treason, p. 223; emphasis added.

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