The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [158–163]^

the precise time (“the evening of March 17”) when, according to Kissinger, the Americans
“learned unexpectedly ‘from a reliable source’ about shipments of the very latest Soviet
SAM-3 type missiles ... The Israeli Government learned about this after they [the
Americans] did, but ‘independently of them.’”

  1. Heikal, Road to Ramadan, p. 88.

  2. Shalom Rosenfeld, Ma’ariv, 2 March 1970, p. 9.

  3. Ma’ariv, 22 March 1970, p. 2.

  4. Smirnov, “O podgotovke,” pp. 26–8. He does not give the location, but it was evidently
    at an airbase in the Eg yptian interior.

  5. Smirnov, interviewed in Khalil, “Building a Wall of Missiles”; Anatoly Podalka, inter-
    viewed in Il’inskaya, “Voyna prizrakov.”

  6. IAF website for February 1970, Shalom,
    Phantoms, vol. 2, p. 715, quotes diplomatic exchanges in which the Nixon administration
    discouraged such a “token attack.”

  7. Smirnov, “O podgotovke,” p. 29.

  8. IAF website for February 1970, The figures
    attributed to Eg yptian sources—300 to 400 fatalities a day for a total of 4,000—look sus-
    piciously like those given by Heikal for the bombings of SAM-2 sites in the summer and
    fall of 1969, but the description of the sites as built for SAM-3s establishes that this refers
    to a separate operation.

  9. AC, Allon testimony, pp. 29–30. Allon stressed that he was speaking from memory, but
    repeated the date in March twice. He did not mention whether the missiles’ Soviet iden-
    tity was discussed. The cabinet session was held as a ministerial committee on defense,
    whose deliberations are classified.

  10. SAR, no. 55–6, pp. 142–4.

  11. SAR, no. 57, 9 April 1970, and no. 58, 10 April 1970, pp. 144–6.


  13. Shalom, Phantoms, vol. 2, p. 727.

  14. Special Action Group, “Increased Soviet Involvement in UAR Military Operations:
    Contingencies and Options,” 16 February 1970. NARA, SAG Meetings 3/20/70, box
    H-043, folder 5. Emphasis added.

  15. Nastenko, “Aviatsiya v Egipte,” p. 60.

  16. However, he misdates this development as “late February,” whereas it actually occurred on
    13 April.

  17. IAF website pages for 8 April,, and 13 April
    1970, Emphasis added.

  18. Sherman, Bunkers, p. 28; emphasis added.

  19. Heikal, Road to Ramadan, p. 85.

  20. Kass, Soviet Involvement, pp. 162–3.

  21. Dishon, Middle East Record 1969–1970, Part 5, p. 1275.

  22. Amir Rappaport and Omri Essenheim, NRG news site, 13 August 2005, http://www.nrg.

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