The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [242–244]^

  1. In December 1971, Norman Anderson, a State Department specialist on Soviet–Middle
    Eastern affairs, told an Israeli diplomat that a Tu-16 base was “under construction” near
    Aswan, and that these planes, armed with Kelt missiles, would be an “unprecedentedly
    serious” threat to the Sixth Fleet. Anderson also claimed that a Soviet Su-7 squadron armed
    with anti-submarine weapons was based in northern Eg ypt. Y[osef ] Ben-Aharon, Israeli
    embassy, Washington, to Foreign Ministry, 9 December 1971, ISA HZ-4605/3.

  2. Zhirokhov and Nicolle, “Unknown Heroes,” Part 2, which includes several details that do
    not appear in Mitrokhin’s own published memoir, “Mysli vslukh gvardii mladshego ser-
    zhanta” in Safonov et al., Grif, pp. 197–98. He is not to be confused with Vasily Mitrokhin
    of the KGB archive.

  3. Zhirokhov and Nicolle, “Unknown Heroes,” Part 2.

  4. Mordechai Gazit, “Conversation of M.G. with David on 8 October [1971],” p. 3, ISA

  5. “Smirnov,” Arabo-izrail’skie voyny, p. 277. The IAF stated that of the crew of eight there
    was one survivor. All were named and described as Israeli.

  6. Cohen, Israel’s Best Defense, p. 317; Emad El-Sayed, “Securing Democratic Transition a
    Secondary Task of Air Defence Forces: Commander,” Daily News (Cairo), 27 June 2015,

  7. Shazly, Crossing, Chapter 12.

  8. Igor’ Eliseev and Aleksei Tikhonov, “V teni pyramid,” Rossiskaya Gazeta, 30 October 2010,; Aleksey Tikhonov, “Vspomnim obo vsekh
    geroyakh,” Spravedlivaya Rossiya, 30 September 2010; Yakushev, “My—perevodchiki.”

  9. US consent to supply the Shrikes was given to Rabin only on 14 August, in response to
    Israel’s complaints of ceasefire violations. Quandt, Decade of Decisions, p. 107. Hod, inter-
    viewed by Yaqir Elqariv and Yaron Katz, Heyl ha-Avir (IAF Magazine), 39, 140 ( June
    1984), p. 19.

  10. Arab affairs correspondent, Davar, 3 January 1971, p. 2.

  11. Interview with Gareev, Moscow, 26 July 1996, in Jacob W. Kipp, “Confronting the RMA
    in Russia,” Military Review ( June–July 1997),
    ments/confront.htm; Kipp and Grau, “Maintaining Friendly Skies: Rediscovering Theater
    Aerospace Defense,” Aerospace Power Journal (Summer 2002), http://fmso.leavenworth., quoting Gareev, Esli zavtra voyna?,
    pp. 142–3.

  12. “Smirnov,” Arabo-izrail’skie voyny, pp. 278–9. Smirnov’s rank, function and dates of ser-
    vice in Eg ypt are similar to those of Boris Krokhin, and most of the eyewitness accounts
    in his book (this one excepted) are identical with those published under Krokhin’s name—
    suggesting that “Smirnov” is a pseudonym. “Radio-technical” adviser Molodtsov admits
    that this single Shrike hit destroyed a P-35 radar station at Abu Suweir, but also credits the
    Soviet advisers for a major success in confusing the Shrikes by turning on every available
    radar system, including the Shilkas’. Molodtsov, “Opyt.” Abu Suweir, a few miles west of
    Ismailia, had not been reactivated as an airbase since the Israeli bombing in 1967. Viktor

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