The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [279–282]^

  1. Maurin, “V tel’nyashke i skafandre.” By 2011, however, Bebishev was honored at a local
    ceremony for—among other achievements—his service in Eg ypt. Anzhero-Sudzhensk
    Regional History Museum, “Meropriyatie ‘Morskaya dusha: Tel’nyashka.’”

  2. Valery Serdyuk, as reported in Kalyuta, “Dialog.”

  3. Zhayvoronok, “Vozvrashchenie k proshlomu,” p. 45.

  4. Il’inskaya, “Voyna prizrakov.” In a “stop press” postscript to “Egipet: Neizvestnaya voyna,”
    Sputnik reported in January 1991 that noncommissioned officer Ivan Ivichuk, who had
    served in Eg ypt from early 1971 to July 1972 and was still in uniform, had just received
    his citation and pin.

  5. Office of National Estimates, “The Russian Ouster: Causes and Consequences,” 22 August

  6. Sella, Soviet Political and Military Conduct, p. 77.

  7. Efraim Karsh, “Soviet Arms Transfers to the Middle East in the 1970s,” Jaffee Center Paper
    no. 22, Tel Aviv University, December 1983, p. 27.

  8. Interviewed by Elena Suponina, Vremya Novostei, 6 October 2003,

  9. A. Yu. Dashkov and V.D. Golotyuk, “Arabo-Izrail’skiy konflikt: Boevye deystviya sovets-
    koy aviatsii i PVO v Egipte,”


    1. Embassy Cairo to MOD, 22 July 1972, “Secret: UK Eyes Only,” NA(PRO); emphasis

    2. On the significance of this document for evaluating Marwan’s function, see Ginor and
      Remez, “A Hidden Alley in the Arab-Israeli Maze,” NYT, 30 July 2007, in response to
      Howard Blum, “Who Killed Ashraf Marwan?,” NYT, 13 July 2007.

    3. “Conclusions of a Meeting of the Cabinet,” 27 July 1972, NA(PRO), CAB 128/50/39.

    4. “Conclusions of a Meeting of the Cabinet,” 1 August 1972, p. 3, NA(PRO) CAB

    5. AP, “Eg ypt Might Buy System from Britain,” Recorder (Amsterdam, NY), 6 October 1972.

    6. Likewise, if there was any basis to reports in December 1972 “that Eg yptian pilots were
      undergoing familiarization courses in Kuwait on [British-made] Lightning aircraft.” Sella,
      Soviet Political and Military Conduct, p. 179n15.

    7. UPI, Davar, 11 December 1972, p. 2.

    8. “Eg ypt Is Reported to Get Advanced Soviet Missile,” NYT, November 12, 1972, p. 2.

    9. AC, APR, vol. 1, p. 8.

  11. “Eg yptian Search for Alternate Source of Arms,” Day, US consulate Jerusalem, to secre-
    tary of state, 11 September 1972, NARA, NSC files, country files, ME–Israel, box 609.

  12. Sadat interview on Cairo Radio, 24 October 1975 and Tawila article on the anniversary
    of the war in Rose el-Yussef, 7 October 1974. Together with the relevant parts of Tawila’s
    book The Six-Hour War According to a Military Correspondent’s Diary, they were first

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