The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [306–309]^

  1. Davar, 29 December 1972, p. 1.

  2. “Smirnov,” Arabo-izrail’skie voyny, p. 305.

  3. “Smirnov,” Arabo-izrail’skie voyny, pp. 304–5. Cf. Krokhin, “Dubl.”

  4. Chernyaev, Diary 1973, pp. 6–7.

  5. Message from Dobrynin to Kissinger, 28 January 1973, FRUS N-XXV, no. 9.

  6. Memorandum for the president’s file by Kissinger, 6 February 1973, “Meeting with King
    Hussein of Jordan,” FRUS N-XXV, no. 14.

  7. Department of State to embassy in Jordan, 9 February 1973, FRUS N-XXV, no. 15.

  8. Richard Nixon, RN: The Memoirs of Richard Nixon, New York: Simon and Schuster, 2013,
    pp. 786–7.

  9. Conversation between Nixon and army vice chief of staff (Haig ), 23 January 1973, FRUS
    N-XXV, no. 6.

  10. Jussi M. Hanhimäki, “A Prize-Winning Performance? Kissinger, Triangular Diplomacy,
    and the End of the Vietnam War, 1969–1973,” Norwegian Nobel Institute Series, 2, 1, Oslo
    (2001), p. 40,

  11. Embassy in Israel to Department of State, “Meir Visit,” 13 February 1973, FRUS N-XXV,
    no. 17.

  12. CIA paper, “Comments on the Eg yptian Government Message of 1 February 1973,” FRUS
    N-XXV, no. 10. Vinogradov was back in Eg ypt by October and it seems unlikely that he
    did not see Sadat in the period that followed.

  13. Jim Hoagland, Washington Post, Cairo, translated in Ma’ariv, 12 February 1973, p. 5.

  14. Shai, “Mitzrayim,” p. 35n31. The interviews were given in October 1974 (to a Beirut news-
    paper) and January 1975 (to Rose el-Yussef).

  15. Heikal, Road to Ramadan, p. 2. The account is unclear whether the autumn timing for
    the offensive was determined at this meeting or at another such council in Alexandria in
    August, which is discussed below.

  16. Zamir, quoted in Bartov, Dado, vol. 1, p. 236. The earlier testimonies to the appearance
    of Malyutkas on the canal front call into question Shazly’s version that the March 1973
    deal provided for supply of the first fi ft y.

  17. AC, final report, p. 85.

  18. Terence Smith, “Israeli and Eg yptian Jets Clash at Suez,” NYT, 16 February 1973, p. 3;
    Shimshon Ofer, Davar, 16 October 1973, p. 1. The IAF denied Eg yptian claims that an
    Israeli fighter was shot down; Cairo admitted losing one. According to the IAF web page
    for 15 February 1973, it was a MiG-21 that crashed into the water “during a low-altitude

  19. Yigal Kipnis, 1973: Haderekh le-milhamah, Tel Aviv: Kinneret, Zmorah-Bitan, Dvir, 2012.
    Conversely, West German Chancellor Willy Brandt has been accused of failing to relay
    Israeli peace feelers to Eg ypt in June 1973. Michael Wolffson, “Wie Willy Brandt die
    Friedenskarte verspielte,” Welt am Sonntag, 9 June 2013, pp. 8–9, http://www.perfect- Published in Hebrew
    with attached documents by ISA,

  20. Golan, Decision Making, p. 1275. On pp. 1282–4, Golan’s survey of the military and polit-

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