The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [324–329]^

  1. Parker, October War, p. 130.

  2. Viktor Minin, Ispytaniya zhizn’yu, Moscow: OMR-Print, 2009(?). The “publisher” of this
    148-page book is actually a Moscow print shop. It was apparently printed in a small run
    for private distribution, was not advertised for sale, and was mentioned only in a brief
    review in a local newsletter, Tverskaya 13, 15 August 2009, p. 12. The quotation is from
    an excerpt, “Adyutant Ministra Oborony SSSR,” that appeared on a now-defunct page of

  3. Andrey Potyliko, Fakty i kommentarii (Kiev), 16 January 2004,

  4. Pernavsky, Arabo-Izrail’skie voyny, p. 107, quoting directives no. 500/13715, no. 73/6 and
    no. 47/73/201, “file #1.”

  5. Ben-Porat et al., Kippur, pp. 16–17. This encounter has been suggested as a trigger for the
    Syrian–Eg yptian offensive, but the chronolog y shows that it occurred while preparations
    were well under way.

  6. Marchenko, “General-Mayor VVS Vagin.”


  8. Foxbats, pp. 79–81.

  9. Total of surface warships, submarines and auxiliaries; Zaborsky, “Sovetskaya sredizemno-
    morskaya eskadra.” He puts the Sixth Fleet’s strength at the time at 140 units. Previous esti-
    mates, apparently counting only combat ships, placed the Soviet strength at fifty-eight units
    (Bruce W. Watson, Red Navy at Sea: Soviet Naval Operations on the High Seas, 1956–1980,
    Boulder, CO: Westview, 1982, p. 87) as against the Sixth Fleet’s forty-eight warships ( Joseph
    F. Bouchard, Command in Crisis, New York: Columbia University Press, 1991,
    pp. 106–7).

  10. Goldstein and Zhukov, “A Tale of Two Fleets.”

  11. Aleksandr Rozin, “Voyna ‘sudnogo dnya’ 1973g.: Protivostoyanie SSSR-SShA na more,”; Vladimir Zaborsky, “Sovetskaya Sredizemno morskaya
    Eskadra,” NVO, 13 October 2006,–10–13/5_eskadra.html

  12. Mallin, “Boevye sluzhby.”

  13. AC, Li’or testimony, pp. 61–6; APR, pp. 50, 73; AC, Ben-Porat testimony, pp. 48–55;
    Brig.-Gen. Yo’el Ben-Porat, Ne’ila: Locked-on, Tel Aviv: Edanim, 1991, pp. 23–5, 51–3;
    Ronen Bergman and Moshe Ronen, Yedi’ot Ahronot, 21 September 2012, pp. 6–7.

  14. The sources of both telegrams were sanitized in AC papers, e.g. Alfred Eini’s testimony,
    pp. 28–9. Gili Cohen, Ha’aretz, 20 September 2012, http://www.Ha’
    itics/1.1827203; Communication by Ms. Cohen to the authors, 5 October 2012.

  15. Brig.-Gen. Aharon Levran, who in 1973 was operations assistant to the head of MI research,
    in Roeim Malam (Intelligence Heritage Center bulletin), 15 (October 2012), p. 3. Levran,
    however, denies that Marwan was a double agent.

  16. E.g. Haber, Schiff and Asher, Wa r, p. 74.

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