The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [350–353]^

MiG-25R sortie prevented nuclear war), NVO, 24 October 2008,
tory/2008–10–24/15_mig.html. Minayev quotes a book by the senior government avi-
ation specialist Yevgeny Fedosov, 50 let v aviacii. Zapiski akademika, Moscow: Drofa,

  1. Zeldovich, who was no longer directly associated with the weapons program, had heard
    “rumors in the ministry” about an impending strike at Israel. Minayev, quoting Ilya
    Mikhailovich Livshits: Uchenyy i chelovek, Kharkov, Ukraine, 2008. Also quoted in Istvan
    Hargittai, Buried Glory: Portraits of Soviet Scientists, Oxford: Oxford University Press,
    2013, p. 49.

  2. B.L. Talov, “Yadernye raketonostsy—khraniteli mira,” Russky Dom, 11 November 1998,

  3. Barry M. Blechman and Douglas M. Hart, “Nuclear Weapons and the 1973 Middle East
    Crisis,” in Robert J. Art and Kenneth Waltz (eds), The Use of Force: Military Power and
    International Politics, 5th edn, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 1999, p. 243.

  4. AP, “Eg ypt Warns Missiles Poised to Hit Israel,” Leader-Herald (Gloversville-Johnston,
    NY), 16 October 1973, p. 1.

  5. Minutes of WSAG meeting, 17 October 1973, FRUS N-XXV, no. 198. “Nicolai” is a cor-
    ruption of Nikolaev—a surprising error for an admiral, perhaps made by the

  6. Israelyan, Inside the Kremlin, pp. 144–5.

  7. No’am Ofir, IAF Magazine, 171, 25 October 2006,
    I A F. a s p x

  8. Golan, Decision Making, p. 1263.

  9. Memorial page for Cpl Albert Mish’ali,

  10. Agafonov, “Kto ukryl?”; Israelyan, Inside the Kremlin, pp. 143–4 states that a previous
    request from the Eg yptians, relayed by the Soviet military, to fire Scuds at El-Arish had
    been blocked by Gromyko (according to another Foreign Ministry aide, Evgeny Pyrlin).
    El-Arish, a small port in northern Sinai, is adjacent to an airbase where according to Arab
    charges “the U.S. had flown material directly”—whch might explain Gromyko’s objection;
    minutes of WSAG Meeting, 9 November 1973, FRUS N-XXV, no. 336.

  11. Chernyaev, Diary 1973, p. 69.

  12. The raising of “volunteer” landing parties on the Eskadra’s ships duplicates the procedure
    that we described from former Soviet sources as followed in June 1967. Foxbats,
    pp. 149–51.

  13. Golan, Decision Making, pp. 436, 453–4, 1146, 1150.

  14. The above account of the Eskadra’s moves is based on Zaborsky, “Zapiski o neizvestnoy
    voyne,” Morskoy sbornik, 3 (March 1999) and an unpublished journal by Semenov, both
    quoted by Goldstein and Zhukov.

  15. Nixon, Years of Upheaval, pp. 588–9. This was when Israel encircled the Eg yptian III Army
    Corps and Brezhnev called on Nixon to intervene with a joint force, else “we should be
    faced with the necessity urgently to consider the question of taking appropriate steps uni-
    laterally.” Brezhnev to Nixon, 24 October 1973, FRUS N-XXV, no. 267.

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