The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1

Erell, Shlomo (Israeli navy commander),
38, 57–8
Eshkol, Levi (Israeli premier), 30, 96, 105
Evans, Rowland (US columnist), 156, 305,
Ezzy, Col. (Eg yptian liaison officer), 273

F–4 Phantom (US/Israeli aircraft), 41, 96,
97, 131, 157, 163, 176, 180, 182, 183,
206, 242, 252, 405n41, 419n41
F–4E(S), 431n21
F–4E, 227, 31n21
F–4X, 227
RX–4X, 31n21
F–15 (US/Israeli aircraft), 227, 431n21
Fahmy, Ismail (Eg yptian foreign minister),
Fahmy, Mahmud Abdel Rahman (Eg yptian
navy commander), 215, 375n43
Fahmy, Mohammad Ali (Eg yptian air
defense chief ), 116, 258
Fakher, Ahmed (Eg yptian military official),
Fawzy, Mahmud (Eg yptian premier), 268
Fawzy, Muhammad (Eg yptian defense
minister), Dakar and, 58; deterrence” or
“active defense strateg y,” 77–8; effective
counterstrike at the IAF, 59; interview
with Polish newspaper, 130–1; Nasser
and, 56, 165–6; relieved of position,
236; Soviets and, 208, 232; Suez Canal
crossing and, 168; use of small arms, 93;
War of Attrition, 399n6
Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). See
West Germany
Feinman, Tovia (Israeli intelligence officer),
Filonov, Mikhail (Soviet adviser), 92
Financial Times (London), 297
Finland, 168, 233, 239, 282, 370n58
Flogger. See MiG–23
Foreign Relations of the United States
(FRUS), xxii, xxiii, 40, 202, 366n56

Foxbat. See MiG–25
France, 39, 45–6, 61, 69, 104–5, 149–50,
221, 273, 358, 372n87, 379n25,
393n71, 450–1n37
France-Soir, 38
Freier, Shalhevet (Israeli official), 237, 293,
Freydin, Zinaida (widow of Ilya Livshits),
Fro g. See Luna
Frye, William (US journalist), 29
Fursov, V.I. (Soviet military attaché), 21–2,

Gabriel (Israeli naval missile), 167
Galili, El’azar (Israeli military historian),
13–14, 386n43
Galkin, A. D. (Soviet SAM officer), 199
Gamasy, Mohamed (Eg yptian general), 92
Gareev, Mahmut (Soviet senior adviser),
225, 244, 280
Gaza, 57, 236
Gazit, Mordechai (Israeli official), 249–59,
313, 518, 432n12, 455–6n27
Gazit, Shlomo (Israeli intelligence officer),
German Democratic Republic (GDR). See
East Germany
Ghaleb, Murad (Eg yptian diplomat), 246,
268, 399n6
Gianaclis airbase, Eg ypt, 137–8, 140, 170
Giza, Eg ypt, 146, 409n60
Goldmann, Nahum (Zionist leader), 58
Goldstein, Lyle (US naval historian), 327,
353, 462n27
Goldwasser, Moshe (Israeli airman), 196,
Golovkin, Vycheslav (Soviet adviser), 346
Gomułka, Wladysław (Polish leader), 19
Goncharov, V.A. (Soviet adviser), 38
Gorbachev, Mikhail (Soviet leader), 177,
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