The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

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345, 349, 353; and KGB, 102; memoirs,
xx-xxiii, 248–9, 263 283; and Moscow
summit, 159, 168, 252–3, 258–60,
263–4, 320; and Nixon, 101–3, 169,
179–81, 247, 307–8, 315–6; and NPT,
387n8; and San Clemente summit,
293–5, 317–20; shuttle diplomacy, 358;
and Soviet intervention in Eg ypt, 149,
152–3, 157–159, 169, 413–14n38; and
US Jews, 159–60, 170; and USSR, 10;
and Vietnam, 305–6, 308; and
withdrawal, 169, 174–5, 178, 216, 218,
231–2, 246–8, 253, 258, 260, 263–5,
275, 276, 283–5, 291, 293; and Yom
Kippur War, 111, 302, 308, 333–41,
345, 446n19, 454n49
Klimentov, Valery (Soviet interpreter),
75–6, 83
Klosson, Boris (US diplomat), 201–2
Kohler, Foy (US diplomat), 340
Kolchuga (aircraft location system), 436n16
Komar (Soviet missile boat), 37–9, 168
Komsomolskaya Pravda (Russian newspa-
per), 343
Kon’kov, Aleksander (Soviet serviceman),
9–10, 189
Kopylov, Viktor (Soviet adviser), 243
Korea, 112, 140, 186, 361n2
Korn, David (US diplomat and historian),
xvii, 93, 104, 110, 152, 157, 168, 178,
191, 372n4, 397n24, 405n43, 408n31
Korneyev (Soviet adviser), 404n20
Korniyenko, Georg y (Soviet official), 264
Korotyuk, Konstantin (Soviet air officer),
Kosygin, Alexey (Soviet premier), xviii, 5,
12–4, 16, 40, 68, 71, 113, 132, 147,
149–50, 152, 157, 181, 207, 215, 237,
268, 293, 330, 344, 371n83, 387n8,
389n31, 412n2
Kotov, Yu. V. (KGB analyst), 313, 454n53

Kovalenko, Ivan (SAM officer), 417n20
Krasnaya Presnya (Soviet landing ship),
Krasnaya Zvezda (Soviet military organ),
Krasny Kavkaz (Soviet anti-submarine
ship), 439n35
Krivoplyasov, S. G. (Soviet general), 84,
153, 271
Krokhin, Boris (Soviet radio expert;
Presumed pen name: “Smirnov,
Aleksey”), 191, 244, 272, 286–7, 306,
311, 315–6, 435n16, 453n40
Kruchinin, Yuri (Soviet naval officer),
Krymsky Komsomolets (Soviet landing
ship), 22–3, 374n35
Kryshtob, Vladimir (Soviet naval advisor),
140, 142, 145, 147, 167–8
Kub. See SAM–6
Kubersky, Igor’ (Soviet interpreter), 115,
117, 120–2, 129
Kudaev, Boris (Soviet interpreter), 60,
Kulikov, Igor’ (Soviet interpreter), 138,
139, 407n19
Kunaev, Dinmukhamed (CPSU official),
Kutakhov, Pavel (Soviet Air Force chief ),
194, 199, 224, 260–2, 312
Kutsenko, Viktor (Soviet engineer officer),
338–40, 364n45
Kutyntsev, Nikolay (Soviet SAM officer),
196–7, 417–8n24
Kuwait, 266, 432n5, 445n6
Kuznetsov, Vasily (Soviet official), 204

Laird, Melvin (US Defense Secretary), 275
Lajoie, Roland (US general), 185, 420n17
Lance (US tactical missile), 178, 245
Laqueur, Walter (historian), 114, 144, 260,
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