The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1

Richardson, Elliott (US official), 418n34
Rockefeller, Nelson (US presidential
candidate), 69, 101
Rogers, William (US secretary of state), 80,
104, 128, 133, 142–3, 150, 153, 158,
168–9, 174, 178–81, 190, 199–202,
206, 217, 228, 230–7, 251, 253, 258,
264, 307–8, 397n10, 403n2, 418n33,
Rogozhinsky, Viktor (Soviet serviceman),
190, 208, 369n43, 435–6n16
Romania, 16, 20, 49, 425n38, 441n15
Romem, Yoram (Israeli airman), 196
Rose el-Yussef (Eg yptian magazine), 282
Rossiya (Soviet liner), 277
Rostow, Eugene (US official), 69
Rostow, Walt (US official), 381n73
Rozin, Aleksander (Soviet naval historian),
23, 327
RPG–7 (Soviet anti-tank rocket launcher),
311, 342–4
Rubinstein, Alvin (US historian), 149, 288
Rubtsov, Petr (Soviet pilot), 229, 246, 290
Rusk, Dean (US secretary of state), 36, 40,
67, 69, 81, 86
Ryabov, Mikhail (Soviet interpreter), 287,
Ryabukhin, Vladimir (Soviet adviser), 85,
Rytov, Nikolay (Soviet chief adviser), 277,

Sabry, Ali (Eg yptian politician), 127–8,
162, 215–6, 232, 268
Sadat, Anwar (Eg yptian president),
abrogation of ceasefire, 218, 223, 225,
227, 243, 268; advisors, 219, 257, 261,
339; Arab Socialist Union (ASU), 257;
and Assad, 312, 359, 457n57; assassina-
tion, 360; and break with Moscow, 256,
260; and Brezhnev, 256, 261, 301, 206;
and cease-fire extension, 216–7, 245,

429n4; and CIA, 284, 288–9, 432n45;
and continuity of Eg yptian policy after
Nasser, 215; coup, 232, 296–7; and
Dayan, 446n19; expulsion of advisors,
experts and troops, 114, 117, 203, 216,
232, 249, 263, 265, 267, 269–73, 276,
277, 278, 280, 282, 283–4, 285, 291,
294, 295, 297, 305, 307, 444n26;
formal orders to start war, 236;
Friendship and Cooperation Treaty,
152; and Grechko, 260–1, 262, 325;
and Gromyko, 253; and Hafez, 318; and
Hussein, 307; and Ismail, 442n35; and
Jarring, 216–7, 429n41 and Jehan
(wife), 358; and Kissinger, 248, 253,
255–6, 264, 284, 446n19; and
Kutakhov, 262 and Lashchenko, 309;
and Marwan, 256, 316, 324, 358, 360;
message to Brezhnev, 148; message to
Washington, 216; Moscow visit, 132–3,
218–9, 222, 248, 250, 253–4, 260–1,
439n28; and Nasser, 126, 128, 140,
372n87; and Nixon, 233, 235; peace
initiative, 309, 320, 359; policy shift
toward United States, 215, 257, 308,
265–6, 316, 318, 358, 363n23,
418n34;, preparation for war, 268–9,
287, 296, 306, 308–9, 312, 329, 330,
332, 340, 349, 350–1, 353, 355, 446n1,
460n34; reluctance to declare war,
429n43; Revolution Day speech, 283;
and Rogers, 231, 232, 235 and Sabry,
215; and Sadiq, 453n30; and scud
missiles, 322; settlement proposal,
217–8, 309; and Shazly, 356; Soviet
arming, 288, 299, 405n43; Soviet
relations with Israel, 237–8, 240; and
the Soviet Union, 128, 215, 226, 233,
246, 269, 285, 296, 299, 324, 327, 330,
359, 360 446n15, 418n33; speech
( January 1971), 144, 428n18; speech at
Tanta ( January 1971), 215, 409n48, 51;
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