The Globe and Mail - 13.03.2020

(ff) #1








Seeing a “worsening macro back-
drop” weighing heavily on its
2020 earnings, Industrial Alliance
Securities analyst Elias Foscolos
loweredSecure Energy Services “hold” from “buy.” “We be-
lieve that any growth from orga-
nic expansion will be more than
offset by decreased drilling &
completions activity,” he said.
Target:Mr. Foscolos lowered his
target price for Secure shares to
$3.25 from $6.75. The consensus
target is $6.50.

Raymond James analyst Chris
Cox raised its rating forSeven
Generations Energy “out-
perform” from “market perform.”
“With a relatively lower risk pro-
file than peers, we believe the
market will circle back to this sto-
ry as one where the recent sell-off
has been overdone,” he said.
Target:Mr. Cox’s target slid to
$5.50 from $10. Consensus is

Calling it a “high-quality stock
with defensive-growth character-
istics,” Scotia Capital analyst Phil
Hardie raisedMorneau Shepell “sector outperform” from
“sector perform.” “MSI has a pro-
ven track record of resilience and
has demonstrated the ability to
grow its revenues under a wide
range of macroeconomic and fi-
nancial market conditions,” he
Target:Mr. Hardie raised his tar-
get to $38, which is the current
consensus, from $36.

Saying it’s “adequately de-risked”
after the release of fourth-quarter
tions, Canaccord Genuity analyst
Yuri Lynk upgradedBird Con-
struction “buy” from
“hold.” “By all accounts, Teri
McKibbon, President & CEO, has
put his stamp on the company by
reducing Bird’s risk profile while
improving margins,” Mr. Lynk
Target:Mr. Lynk maintained a $7
target. Consensus is $8.88.

Touting its “powerful positives,”
Credit Suisse analyst Andrew
Kuske raisedBrookfield Renew-
able Partners LPto “neutral”
from “underperform.” “BEP faces
trends given the firm’s large scale
and global renewable power gen-
eration platform amidst the long-
er-term de-carbonization of the
power system,” he said.
Target:Mr. Kuske raised his tar-
get to $64 from $60. Consensus is



he downward spiral of
global stocks, which has
pushed Wall and Bay
streets into bear territory, has
portfolio managers reviewing
their strategies of how to protect
investors in the short term while
maintaining long-term invest-
ment goals. In Toronto Thursday
afternoon, the S&P/TSX Com-
posite Index saw its biggest drop
since 1940. The Globe and Mail
spoke with a handful of Cana-
dian portfolio managers about
their approach during this next
leg of the market downturn.

Terry Shaunessy, president
and portfolio manager at Cal-
gary-based Shaunessy Invest-
ment Counsel Inc., says the
speed of the downturn “has been
remarkable” as compared with
other market sell-offs in history.
His concern is that investors
will make a big “but quite under-
standable” mistake of selling
their investment amid the tur-
In a note to clients on Wednes-
day, Mr. Shaunessy also cited the
risks of trying to find the right
time to get in and out of the mar-
ket in a correction. “Market tim-
ing doesn’t work, but rebalancing
does,” he wrote.” It is nearly im-
possible to time a market rally,
but the process of rebalancing –
reducing fixed income and buy-
ing equities – always works.”
He says he believes the safest
place to be today is global bal-
anced portfolios. “A mix of fixed
income and global equities offers
the best combination of down-
side protection and eventual up-
side capture,” he wrote, adding
that while markets are down
more than 20 per cent in the past
three weeks, a 60/40 benchmark
portfolio was down approxi-
mately 10 per cent (as of March
10) “and will benefit from the
coming rally.”

Daniel Goodman, president
and chief executive of GFI In-
vestment Counsel Ltd.,says he’s
adding to his personal long term
savings “and not because I see an
imminent bounce.
“I know that with the fullness
of time, this will play out and
normalcy will return to the great
businesses we own,” he says,
adding that his firm has “success-
fully avoided areas or industries
that face obsolescence risk or
lack pricing power and our cli-
ents have benefited tremendous-
Mr. Goodman says his firm
doesn’t invest in fads, “so we are
confident that we aren’t going to
face permanent loss of capital
with our investments.”
In a note to clients on Monday,
Mr. Goodman tried to ease inves-
tor fears by saying that, while no-
body can accurately forecast the
length and overall severity of the
current market turmoil, “we can
say with extreme conviction ...
that this too shall pass and as dif-
ficult as it may be, the best
course of action is to maintain a

high-quality portfolio of best in
class businesses.”
He said that his clients stayed
invested during the 2008-09 fi-
nancial crisis and during the
market downturn in late 2018.
“All of you are significantly better
off for it,” he wrote.
Mr. Goodman also told clients
that the firm will remain pro-ac-
tive “to identify any unique op-

Anish Chopra, managing di-
rector at Portfolio Management
Corp.,says his firm is looking at
“numerous opportunities to buy
high-quality names,” amid the
significant market declines.
“Some companies and indus-
tries have been hit harder than
others and we are assessing
whether to rotate out of certain
companies and industries and
into others,” he says, without of-
fering specifics, citing “compli-
ance reasons.”
He also called the coronavirus
is “a global tragedy for human-
While it’s impossible to fore-
cast the future for markets, Mr.
Chopra said more clarity about
the spread of the coronavirus
“will certainly help markets bet-
ter assess the economic fallout.”
He advises investors to stick to
their financial plan, or review
and adjust it as needed.
“Markets have been very kind
for a long time and now the risks
to investing in equities are very
apparent given the recent mar-

Kash Pashootan, CEO and
chief investment officer at First
Avenue Investment Counsel
Inc.,sees some short-term trad-
ing opportunities, but believes
equities have further downside
from here.
“The velocity of change is rap-
id and so defence can turn into
offence quickly,” he says. “We are
preparing to see this market bot-
tom soon.”
Meantime, Mr. Pashootan says
he’s also relieved, in part, to see

the sell-off “only because we be-
lieve upcoming corporate earn-
ings misses are going to be shock-
ing. Without this sell-off, stock
prices would need to pay the
piper later.”
He believes many investors
are mistaking this sell-off as mar-
ket volatility “when, in fact, it’s
justified declines due to the de-
struction of earnings in upcom-
ing quarterly results.”
He sees COVID-19 having a
material impact on demand,
spending, corporate earnings, ec-
onomic growth and will lead the
U.S. to a recession.
“It will not be the end of the
world but don’t fool yourself by
not accepting that this will im-
pact all sectors of the economy
and has global market reach,” he
says. “Welcome to 2008 version

Jason Del Vicario, a portfolio
manager at HollisWealth in Van-
couver,says his firm has a strict
stop-loss strategy. “For every se-
curity we own, we have two pric-
es; if the first is breached, we sell
50 per cent, if second is breached,
we sell 100 per cent,” he says.
Over the past two weeks, his
firm has stopped completely out
of names such as Mastercard Inc.,
Facebook Inc, Starbucks Corp.
and Badger Daylighting Ltd. and
stopped 50 per cent out of com-
panies such as Open Text Corp.,
Boyd Gaming Corp. and Kirkland
Lake Gold Ltd.
“We have deployed the pro-
ceeds into mostly cash,” he says,
evenly split between Canadian
and U.S. dollars.
They’ve also doubled their po-
sition in iShares Gold Trust to 8
per cent from 4 per cent.
He also says they took the “un-
usual step” of selling 40 per cent
of its holdings in the iShares 20+
Year Treasury Bond ETF “which
we’ve been a big proponent of as
a hedge as it went parabolic.” He
says it was sold near the highs.
“We also sold the remaining
half of our treasury positions to-
day [Thursday] because they
stopped acting like hedges and
we are hearing there are huge is-

sues and risks in the repo mar-
ket,” he says. “I now see the NY
Fed has added $1-trillion to help
alleviate the liquidity issues
Mr. Del Vicario believes the sit-
uation is worse than 2008. “In
2008, we didn’t see the markets
tank this much this quickly until
the fall of 2008 and there was
time prior to that to put one’s
ducks in a row,” he says. “What is
amazing to me is we are seeing
this volatility before any real eco-
nomic or corporate earnings re-
leases that start to demonstrate
the full impact of this virus/
downturn. I will also note that
this started with risk assets at all
time highs both in absolute
terms but more importantly val-
ue-wise as well.”
He says they’ll get back in if or
when one of two things happens:
securities he likes, or the market
in general, “demonstrate
strength and clear previous lev-
els of resistance. So the opposite
of our stop-loss discipline in ef-
fect.” Or, if prices get to levels
where he feels the company or
stock is “quite undervalued from
a historical perspective.”

Sean Oye, a portfolio man-
ager with Nicola Wealth in Van-
couver,says his firm has been ac-
tive in its U.S. and Canadian
funds with call and put options
“to take advantage of the high
option volatility premiums on
high-quality names.”
For instance, he says Canadian
banks “look very attractive” right
now having fallen between about
22 per cent and 37 per cent.
“When oil prices dropped over 20
per cent this week, most bank
stocks fell by a similar amount
despite only having about 2 per
cent in total gross oil and gas
loan exposure,” Mr. Oye says,
adding that bank stocks are pay-
ing dividend yields of more than
5 per cent.
He also says waste-manage-
ment companies, which are do-
mestic-focused and considered
essential services regardless of
the economic environment, are
attractive. ” Many of the waste

companies we follow are off 15
[per cent] to 20 per cent from
their recent peaks,” Mr. Oye says.
“The large public waste compa-
nies have a long history of paying
dividends, buying back shares
and making accretive acquisi-
tions in distressed environ-
Over all, he says he believes
that the markets could face a ‘W-
shaped’ recovery, “where we still
may see some further downside
from here, followed by fiscal
stimulus packages providing a
temporary boost to market, then
a nervous market in the fall due
to the U.S. election, followed by a
recovery assuming the incum-
bent Party stays in office.”
Mr. Oye said the overall strate-
gy of his firm’s equity funds has
been consistent “as our portfolio
tends to focus on quality names
that have low leverage and rea-
sonable valuations relative to
earnings growth. We don’t try
and time the market per se by
making large sector shifts in our
funds, but we do take opportuni-
ties to high grade the portfolio as
opportunities present them-

Christine Poole, CEO and
managing director at GlobeIn-
vest Capital Management Inc. in
Toronto,says the coronavirus
contagion will continue to dis-
rupt commercial activity and
dampen consumer spending be-
cause of cancelled travel and
“It is difficult to forecast when
the level of COVID-19 cases will
peak,” she says.
“However, based on the expe-
riences of China and South Ko-
rea, the outbreak should eventu-
ally dissipate, aided by contain-
ment policies.”
Ms. Poole says monetary and
fiscal policy responses will help
to buffer the negative impact of
the virus and collapse in oil pric-
es. “We expect economic growth
will slow significantly over the
first half of the year with a poten-
tial for a back half recovery as-
suming the coronavirus is a tran-
sitory issue,” she says.
“Nonetheless, until there is
more clarity on its evolution, un-
certainty prevails resulting in ele-
vated stock market volatility exa-
cerbated by algorithmic driven
trading activity.”
She adds that the speed of the
market correction “and wide
price gyrations in the broad mar-
ket indices has significantly
dampened investor sentiment
and increased investor angst.”
Ms. Poole is encouraging her
clients to focus on the long term
given their portfolios include
“high quality, financially sound
companies that can weather the
economic cycle.”
She says the firm is finding at-
tractive value in many income
and growth stocks “and deploy-
ing available cash at a measured
pace on pullbacks.”
She says some income stocks
they’re buying include utilities
such as Algonquin Power and
Utilities Corp. and Fortis Inc. and
growth stocks such as Brookfield
Asset Management Inc. and Mi-
crosoft Corp.

Special to The Globe and Mail






People walk outside the Bank of Montreal stock ticker display in Toronto on Thursday.
Canadian bank stocks may look appealing during the market turmoil as they have
fallen between about 22 per cent and 37 per cent, one portfolio manager says.
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