
(Joyce) #1


Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who looked twice at Drake’s son
Adonis last week. My daughter Princess was the image of him at
a similar age. My first thought when I saw the photo was, “We
need to talk.” I’ll let you know how it goes, haha!
Something else I’d like to address is Caprice Bourret and the
comment she left under my Instagram post in reference to what
I said in my column last week about her coronavirus comments
on The Jeremy Vine Show. She said the
information I was given was incorrect.
At the time of writing, I hadn’t spoken to
Caprice directly, but I’m never too proud to
say sorry if any of my information is
incorrect. It’s difficult with a column
because you can only comment on the
information given. On the other
hand, if the information
I’m given is true then I
stand by what I say. If
she didn’t undermine
the doctor, like I read
she had, I apologise for
calling her foolish.

This week, Pete struggles to calm the chaos at home and reveals Junior’s corona symptoms have eased



TThhi kkP l l hh hh hh dd l JJ i ’ hh

As if times weren’t frightening
enough right now, it was
reported that an NHS nurse,
Sama Shali, was spat at by
a yob unprovoked as she walked
home after a 10-hour shift at
a Manchester hospital.
If this is true, then this person
is an absolute disgrace. It
disgusts and infuriates me!
What kind of society are we
living in where people who are
helping to save lives are being
publicly attacked? Anyone
who is caught doing this
should be jailed.



Utterly disgraceful

Last week, I was thinking of
postponing my beach body
until 2035, but once the novelty
wore off I got back to training!
A lot of people don’t know this,
but I’m actually qualified to teach
Body Pump. I used to give classes
in the gym I owned with my
brother Mike and sister Debbie.
I’m a bit rusty, but I’d like to
start doing live classes on my
Instagram. Before I can do that
I need to check if I have to renew
my license, so watch this space.
I’ve tried getting out once a day
for a run, but by the time the kids
have gone to bed I’m dead and
end up rummaging for chocolate!


As much as I’ve loved being
a stay-at-home dad, teacher,
chef, headmaster, cleaner and
gardener, it’s become even more
obvious that it’s a testing time for
all parents and children around
the world who are stuck at
home together.
A typical day in our household
will consist of Amelia
refusing to do her
schoolwork and
Theo clinging on for
dear life as he tries to
help himself to the
coffee machine to
make a babyccino
and calling for me while I’m
cooking, thereby setting the

smoke alarm off.
There have been
times when I’ve
wanted a helpline,
but it’s no different to
anyone else. I secretly love it,
though... well, kind of!

Isolation insania!

Before I wrote this week’s column,
Junior had been in isolation after
showing coronavirus symptoms, but
thankfully his temperature has gone
back to normal and the minimal cough
he developed has almost gone. As you
can imagine, it’s a very scary thing
for a parent to know their child isn’t
well, especially during the current
health crisis.
At the time of going to press, it was
confirmed that four doctors in the UK
had died due to coronavirus. As someone
with a wife on the front line, it’s really
scary, especially when more than
10,000 workers have written to the
PM demanding proper personal
protective equipment to reduce the
likelihood of more deaths.


PHOTOS: Getty, MEN Media
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