The New Yorker - February 17-24 2020

(Martin Jones) #1





n January 23, 2017, Donald Trump’s
fourth day as President, he met
with congressional leaders in the State
Dining Room of the White House.
“You know, I won the popular vote,” he
started off, and then repeated the cal­
umny that Hillary Clinton had re­
ceived three to five million illegal votes,
owing to fraud. “That’s not true,” Nancy
Pelosi replied, according to “A Very
Stable Genius,” the recently published
account of the Trump Presidency by
the Washington Post reporters Philip
Rucker and Carol Leonnig. “If we’re
going to work together,” Pelosi said, “we
have to stipulate to a certain set of facts.”
Steve Bannon, then Trump’s chief strat­
egist, who was in the room, whispered
to colleagues, “She’s going to get us.
Total assassin.”
Pelosi did become one of Trump’s
most unflinching adversaries, in part be­
cause she grasped early on that invita­
tions to his White House are often just
call sheets for unscripted television; her
finger­jabbing readiness to get in Trump’s
face has made her a recurring meme of
the Democratic resistance. She offered
her most vivid performance yet on Feb­
ruary 4th, during the President’s third
State of the Union address. As Trump
spoke, Pelosi, wearing suffragist white,
sat behind him in the high­backed chair
reserved for the Speaker of the House
of Representatives, and conspicuously
shuffled and reshuffled a printed copy
of the President’s speech. After he
finished, she tore the text in half. Twit­
ter blew up, as the Speaker had clearly

intended; she explained that she had
abandoned decorum because Trump’s
speech “was a manifesto of mistruths.”
Hashtag wars are the President’s ter­
rain, however; the conflict between Pe­
losi and Trump matters most for what
it says about the questionable health of
the Constitution’s system of checks and
balances. After the 2018 midterm elec­
tions, when Democrats regained con­
trol of the House but not the Senate,
Pelosi, who will turn eighty in March,
was elected House Speaker, overcom­
ing opposition from progressive and
younger representatives by promising
to relinquish her post by 2022. Last year,
as the Mueller investigation wound
down, Pelosi resisted calls from many
Democrats to launch an impeachment
inquiry. She argued that the idea lacked
public support, even as the Mueller re­
port turned out to be damning, partic­
ularly in its litany of examples of likely



obstruction of justice. Pelosi’s judgment
seemed to be grounded in political real­
ism: even if the President were im­
peached, the chances remained slim to
vanishing that the Republican­con­
trolled Senate—cowed by Trump’s base
and by allied demagogues on the air­
waves—would convict and remove him
from office by the necessary two­thirds
vote. Why impeach Trump if he could
describe an acquittal as vindication, using
it to denounce his enemies and to rally
his following?
Last September, after the Ukraine
matter broke, Pelosi concluded—at the
urging of both progressives and cen­
trists in her House caucus—that this
time the evidence was different. Trump’s
abuse of U.S. military aid and economic
power to coerce Ukraine to investigate
Joe Biden, she said, had crossed a line
from “bad behavior” to presenting “a
challenge to our Constitution.” The
House hearings that followed, despite
a hurried schedule and White House
obstruction, created a convincing record
of Trump’s blithe disregard of a Presi­
dent’s duty to place the national inter­
est before his own. For all its political
risks, Pelosi told the Times early this
month, the impeachment investigation
succeeded, because it “pulled back a veil
of behavior totally unacceptable to our
founders.... The public will see this
with a clearer eye, an unblurred eye.”
She implied that such clarity would
shape the judgment of voters in No­
vember, but she also seemed to acknowl­
edge uncertainty about the coming elec­
tion: “Whatever happens, he has been
impeached forever.”
When the Senate exonerated Trump,
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