
(Joyce) #1
About an hour

Stone setting


  • 1 beautiful stone with
    dramatic angles

  • 20 gauge sterling sheet

  • 28 gauge sterling bezel wire

  • 16 gauge sterling round wire

  • Hard, medium, easy wire
    solder, rolled through the mill

General: Glue stick; jeweler’s
saw and 3/ 0 blades; fl at nose
pliers; round nose pliers; #0,
#2, and #4 half round hand or
barrett fi les; riffl er barrett fi les,
#2 and #4 (optional); 3M sanding
sponges, medium and ultrafi ne;
black Sharpie; small 2mm Lasco
diamond ball bur; planishing
hammer (optional);
fl ex shaft; acrylic nail emery
board, medium and fi ne grit;
wooden dowel, between ¼ and
½ inch; hallmark stamp and
quality stamp (optional)
Soldering: Torch , fl ux, pickle,
charcoal block, fi re brick, pickle
pot, solder pick
Finishing:4 3M radial bristle
discs on a small mandrel (light
green or peach), Dawn detergent;
ammonia; liver of sulfur;
toothbrush; thin burnisher;
safety glasses or Craft Optics

Sterling silver from Santa Fe
Jewelry Supply, http://www.sfjs.net;
riffl er fi les from Allcraft Tools,
800-645-7124 or 212-279-7077;
blue opal petrifi ed wood
cabochon from theclamshell.net;
and Lasco Diamond Burs from
Lascodiamond.com. Most tools
and materials for this project
are available from well-stocked
jewelry supply vendors, many
of whom can be found in our
Advertiser’s Index, page 93.


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Jewelry Project

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