The Convergence of Judaism and Islam. Religious, Scientific, and Cultural Dimensions

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  1. Jewish Mysticism in the Lands of the Ishmaelites:
    A Re-Orientation 147
    Ronald C. Kiener

Section II: Scientific, Professional, and Cultural Pursuits

  1. Al-Khwarizmi’s Mathematical Doctrines in Ibn-Ezra’s Biblical
    Commentary 171
    Michael Katz

  2. Pharmacopoeias for the Hospital and the Shop: Al-Dustur
    al-bimaristani and Minhaj al-dukkan 190
    Leigh N. Chipman

  3. Jewish Parody and Allegory in Medieval Hebrew Poetry
    in Spain 208
    Libby Garshowitz

  4. Mishaf al-Shbahot—The Holy Book of Praises of the Babylonian Jews:
    One Thousand Years of Cultural Harmony between Judaism and
    Islam 241
    Merav Rosenfeld-Hadad

  5. Encounters between Jewish and Muslim Musicians throughout the
    Ages 272
    Amnon Shiloah

  6. “Estos Makames Alegres” (These Cheerful Maccams)—External
    Cultural Influences on the Jewish Community of Izmir on the Eve
    of the “Young Turk Revolution”: Theater and Music 284
    Efrat E. Aviv

  7. Poverty and Charity in a Moroccan City: A Study of Jewish
    Communal Leadership in Meknes, 1750–1912 299
    Jessica Marglin

List of Contributors 325
Index 330

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