
(Joyce) #1


Left The really nice gear will
be sold at hard-to-find shops
or squirrelled away in these
chests – keep an eye out.

Right Firefights encourage
you to stay constantly on the
move, but cover provides
more benefits than just not
getting shot for a bit.


Well, it was a good run while
it lasted. Not to fear, we’re
back in the saloon. Shame the
barman’s not one for conversation.
He’s more the cryptic clues type.


We’re off! And... we’re
surrounded on all sides. We’re
going to roll out of the way of
those dogs before sliding behind
cover to take out the riflemen.


Straight to the armoury and
our two randomised guns,
then. The empty pedestals
all around us represent all the
weapons we’ve yet to find.


How was that for a workout?
But it’s ‘out of the frying pan
and into the fire’ as in the next
area we face off against... well,
we’re not sure what to call this.

Blasted seven ways from Sunday
We walk through a not-so-typical run

Sliding in and out of cover, rolling
away from harm, and bum-
shuffling – your dodge does a lot!
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