
(Joyce) #1


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i! How’s your day been going?” says Salma
Hayek, marching through the door of
a suite in Berlin’s Regent Hotel. “How
dv# Mdylhu# Edughp/# khu# fr0vwdu# lq# Vdoo|#
Srwwhuġv# qhz# prylh#The Roads Not Taken,
describes: “Hurricane Hayek.” Dressed in
a black jacket, trousers and boots, with
stands with her assistant, rubbing
moisturiser in her hands and touching up
her lipstick. But when she sits, the
‘Hurricane’ subsides and she’s all ours.
Hayek’s clearly delighted to be back at
wkh# Ehuolq# Ilop# Ihvwlydo# Ğ# d# sodfh# vkh# kdv#
here with Midaq Alley/# wkh# yhu|# vdph# |hdu#
vwdu# lq# Ph{lfr# wr# zrz# Kroo|zrrg# lq##
Desperado and Four Rooms1#ģL#mxvw#oryh#wklv#
ihvwlydo/Ĥ# vkh# ehdpv1# ģZh# qhhg# wr# nhhs#
Ľop0jrlqj# dolyh1Ĥ# Dw# 86/# Kd|hn# dgruhv#
cinema as much now as she did when she
saw Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory as a
child growing up in Coatzacoalcos,
inspiring her to become an actress.

Zkhq# zh# phhw/# lwġv# mxvw# wkuhh# gd|v#
vlqfh# wkh# mxu|# irxqg# glvjudfhg# prylh#
surgxfhu# Kduyh|# Zhlqvwhlq# jxlow|# ri# udsh#
dqg# vh{xdo# dvvdxow1# Olnh# vr# pdq|# rwkhu#
women, Hayek had felt the brunt of his
dexvlyh#ehkdylrxu1#ģIru#|hduv/#kh# zdv#p|#
monster,” she wrote in an essay for The
New York Times, detailing the horrendous
ehkdylrxu# vkh# hqgxuhg# iurp# klp# Ğ#
whether it was propositioning her with
the process of making 2002’s Frida, the
hyhqwxdoo|# vdz# Kd|hn# ghvhuyhgo|#
nominated for an Oscar.
For all this, there’s a feeling today of
qhz# ehjlqqlqjv1# Lq# Srwwhuġv# Ľop/# vkh#
features with Bardem, husband in real life
to Penélope Cruz, who has been her best
iulhqg# iru# ryhu# wzr# ghfdghv# dqg# zdv# khu#
fr0vwdu# lq# 5339# zhvwhuq#Bandidas1# Zlwk#
Edughp# sod|lqj# Ohr/# d# ghphqwld0vwulfnhq#
writer, Hayek features as his “childhood
sweetheart” Dolores, a woman nursing
khu# rzq# ghhs# wudjhg|1# Olnh# khu# uhfhqw#
projects Tale Of Tales, Beatriz At Dinner and
The Hummingbird Project, it’s a timely
reminder of just what a powerful screen
presence she is.
Then, later in the year, Hayek makes
khu# Ľuvw# irud|# lqwr# wkh# Pduyho# xqlyhuvh#
with The Eternals/# mrlqlqj# Dqjholqd# Mrolh/#
dqg# Dude# vwdu# +khu# rlo0frpsdq|# idwkhu# lv#
Ohedqhvh># khu# rshud# vlqjhu# prwkhu# lv#
Vsdqlvk,# wr# sod|# d# pdlq# uroh# lq# d# Pduyho#
prylh/# khu# wxuq# dv# Dmdn/# wkh# ohdghu# ri# wkh#
Hwhuqdov/# kdv# dq# dgghg# wzlvw# Ğ# wkh#

fkdudfwhu# lq# wkh# 4<:9# ruljlqdo# frplf# zdv#
this is OUR time!”
old Valentina, her daughter with French
exvlqhvvpdq# kxvedqg# IudqÉrlv0Khqul#
Slqdxow/# yhu|# surxg1# Exw# pruhryhu/# diwhu#
all these years acting, producing on
whohylvlrq# vkrzv# olnh#Ugly Betty# dqg# hyhq#
gluhfwlqj# 5336ġv#The Maldonado Miracle
starring Peter Fonda, it’s another
surprising twist in her stellar career. Hayek

You’ve known Javier Bardem for 15
years. What was it like working with
him on The Roads Not Taken?
Lw# zdv# d# vfdu|# fkrlfh1# Ehfdxvh# lwġv# d# yhu|#
lqwhqvh# vwru|1# \rx# kdyh# wr# jr# wr# yhu|#
uncomfortable places. He’s like my
eurwkhu0lq0odz1# Krz# gr# L# jr# edfnB# Lwġv#
nlqg# ri# vfdu|1# Lw# zdv# yhu|# lqwhuhvwlqj#
because during the whole process of the
rehearsal... we rehearsed a thousand
we were calling Penélope and [speaking
loudly in Spanish]... and Sally was like, “Oh
p|# Jrg/# wklv# lv# qrw# jrlqj# wr# zrun$Ĥ# Vkh#
said, “It’s like a gang.” But the most
ehdxwlixo/# h{wudruglqdu|/# gholflrxv# wklqj#
happened. The day we started working, we
went to the makeup trailer, and maybe
because we’re so comfortable with each
other, we didn’t talk to each other and it
was like two actors that met each other for
wkh# Ľuvw# wlph$# Vr# zh# kdg# wzr# qhz#
uhodwlrqvklsv1# Rqh# zdv# Groruhv# dqg# Ohr/#
and the other was the two actors that
lw# ru# wdon# derxw# lw1# Zh# mxvw# glg# lw1# L#
glvfryhuhg# klp# dv# d# froohdjxh0dfwru# Ğ#
of the crew and the people in the makeup
whdp# vdlg/# ģ\rxġyh# qhyhu# phw# Mdylhu#
qhyhu#zrunhg#^together] before.”

Kh# vdlg# wkdw# zkhq# |rx# Ľuvw# phw# dw#
a party in Cannes, he drank champagne
out of your shoe! Do you remember that
at all?
I met him before that. I met him in
Madrid! It’s hard to know when you are our
djh# dqg# wklqjv# eoxu/# exw# L# phw# Mdylhuĩ#
you’re talking about when we were on
wkh# mxu|B# Qr/# qr$# E|# wkh# wlph# zh# zhuh#
on the jury, we already knew each other.
But of course we knew each other and
zh# fdph# hyhq# forvhu# ehfdxvh# zh# zhuh#
a gang! But we knew each other for a long
time [before that].





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