The Divergence of Judaism and Islam. Interdependence, Modernity, and Political Turmoil

(Joyce) #1
Jewish Imperial Allegiance and the Greco-Ottoman War of 1897 · 47

diss., University of Leiden, 2005), 54. These last figures are also compatible with
those of the Ottoman census from the time. See Karpat, Ottoman Population, 122.

  1. Le Journal de Salonique, 22 April 1897. The Salonica correspondent of an
    Italian Jewish journal also spoke of the calm in the city during the war: Il Vessillo
    Israelitico 45, no. 4 (1897).

  2. Le Journal de Salonique, 19 April 1897.

  3. Tensions in Izmir are mentioned in AMAEF-Nantes, Consul of Izmir to
    Istanbul, E 241, 4 April 1897. Also see Henri Nahum, Juifs de Smyrne, XIXe–XXe
    siècle (Paris: Aubier, 1997), 21. Noémi Lévy notes conflicts in Scutari, Ankara,
    and Izmir in “Salonique et la Guerre Gréco-Turque de 1897: Le fragile équilibre
    d’une ville Ottomane” (master’s thesis, University of Paris, 2002), 72–74. I am
    indebted to Lévy for sharing her work with me. Its many insights, based on
    extensive research done with French sources from the city, helped direct me
    toward the richness of this moment in the city of Salonica.

  4. For different (yet related) examples of how Ottoman Jewish journalists
    undertook a process of transforming their readers, see Sarah Abrevaya Stein,
    Making Jews Modern: The Yiddish and Ladino Press in the Russian and Ottoman
    Empires (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2004).

  5. A third Ladino paper, by the name of El Avenir, of Jewish nationalist lean-
    ings, appeared in Salonica on 15 December 1897, less than two weeks after a
    peace treaty had finally been signed.

  6. La Epoka , 30 April 1897.

  7. On Jewish participation in Red Crescent efforts in 1897: Tercüman-ı Haki-
    kat, 5 May 1897; El Meseret, 7 May 1897; Sabah, 8 May 1897; El Tiempo, 10 May

  8. For an excellent analysis of the role of the Patriotic Mobilization during
    the reign of Abdülhamid II and particularly during wartime, see Nadir Öz-
    bek, “Philanthropic Activity, Ottoman Patriotism, and the Hamidian Regime,
    1876–1909,” International Journal of Middle East Studies 27 (2005): 59–81.

  9. See, for example, Le Journal de Salonique, 15 April 1897.

  10. On Jewish volunteers from Vienna, see El Tiempo, 1 July 1897. On young
    Jewish doctors arriving from Paris, see Journal de Salonique, 10 May 1897, and
    also El Tiempo, 14 June 1897.

  11. Le Journal de Salonique, 8 May 1897.

  12. La Epoka , 14 May 1897.

  13. Ibid. They reportedly had some 250 of these watches made. This figure
    is mentioned in David Recanati, ed., Zikhron Saloniki (Tel Aviv: Committee for
    the Publication of Books on the Salonica Community, 1972), 1:165. For Ottoman-
    language reports: Asır, 12 May 1897; Tercüman-ı Hakikat, 21 May 1897; Sabah 21
    May 1897; Asır, 6 June 1897; Malumat, 22 July 1897.

  14. La Epoka , 25 June 1897.

  15. La Epoka , 28 June 1897.

  16. La Epoka , 2 July 1897.

  17. Ibid. As of yet, I have not been able to verify whether such a brochure
    did appear. However, the Jewish volunteers of the city were later officially

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