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strategy+business Published by PwC

strategyPwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see pwc.com/structure for f+business (ISSN 1083-706X) is published quarterly by certain member firms of the PwC network. © 2020 PwC. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the urther details. Mentions of
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[email protected]

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NPS Media Group

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Publishing Experts Inc.

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Articles published in strategy+business do not
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ment or recommendation for purchase.

Chairman, PricewaterhouseCoopers
International Ltd. Robert E. Moritz

Head of Global Markets and Services
Richard Oldfield

Global Chief Marketing Officer
William Cobourn
Global Marketing and Insights Leader
Ilona Steffen

Global Head of Strategy&,
PwC’s strategy consulting business
Joachim Rotering
Head of Strategy& for PwC US
DeAnne Aguirre

Public Communications Review
Ann-Denise GrechMary Valente
Natasha Andre


Editor-in-Chief Art Kleiner
International EditorJeremy Grant

Chief Copy EditorVictoria Beliveau
Art DirectorJohn Klotnia
Opto Design

Executive Editor Daniel Gross
Digital Strategy and Multimedia
Melanie Rodier

DesignersLaura Eitzen
Leigh JagareskiJennifer Thai

Managing Editor Elizabeth Johnson
Deputy Managing EditorSally Law Errico

Contributing Editors Daniel Akst
Cristina Ampil Edward H. Baker
David ClarkeVanessa Desloires
Elizabeth Doty

Senior Editor Laura W. Geller
Deputy Managing EditorMichael Guerriero

Ken FavaroBruce Feirstein
Jeff GariglianoAmy Gibbs
Sally HelgesenJon Katzenbach

Senior EditorDeborah Unger
Associate EditorMichelle Gerdes

Theodore KinniDavid Lancefield
Paul LeinwandEric J. McNulty
Rob Norton James O’Toole

Senior EditorAmy Emmert
Editorial Operations Manager
Natasha Andre

Matt PalmquistJuliette Powell
Jeffrey Rothfeder Thomas A. Stewart
John Sviokla Chrisie Wendin
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