
(Nancy Kaufman) #1


Expert Tip

If you use a Nikon camera that
doesn’t support geo-tagging, try
taking an additional photograph
of the shooting location using
your smartphone. You can then
pop the smartphone-sourced
image into the same album as
your other Nikon shots and use
its embedded GPS coordinates
to summon a map of the location
in the Nikon Image Space app.
A number of desktop apps, such
as Adobe Lightroom Classic,
enable you to copy the
smartphone photo’s GPS
coordinates and paste them into
your Nikon photos’ metadata.

Search for shots

After launching the Nikon Image Space app tap the Local Photos label.
Browse your device’s content via the All Photos or Albums tabs. To view
photographs and their associated metadata, tap the Flow option. Tap the
bottom-right icon to display pictures by creation date, or file size.

Share a slideshow

Go to Grid View, then tap a thumbnail to view the shot. Tap the shot to
reveal the Slideshow button. You can then tap Slideshow and choose an
option, such as Fade in/Fade out. The Ken Burns option adds zooms and
mixes to your photos, though this option will change their composition.

Map your shoots
If your Nikon supports geo-tagging then the Nikon Image Space app can
view GPS coordinates stored in a shot’s metadata. Tap the Map tab. Geo-
tagged shots will have a pin on their thumbnail. Tap a thumbnail’s grey pin
to turn it red. A pinned location will then appear on the map.

Upload online
Tap the Select button at the top right, then tap on thumbnails to choose
the photos that you want to store on your Nikon Image Space gallery. Tap
the Upload button. Then, in the Add to menu, tap Create New Album and
label it, or choose an existing album. Finally, just tap Upload.





Organize and share images on a tablet or smartphone

Go compare

To examine two shots together go to Grid View
and tap on a photo’s thumbnail. Tap Compare to
create a split screen. Swipe on either half of the
screen to choose two shots for comparison.
Pinch to zoom in on a photo. If you tap Zoom
Sync then, when you zoom in on one, the other
image will also zoom in by the same amount.

Where to get the app
You can download the Nikon Image Space app
from your Apple or Android app store. To access
the full 20GB of online storage you’ll need to
enter a Nikon camera’s serial number when you
sign up to get a Nikon ID. If you don’t have a
Nikon device, you can still sign up for a free
2GB storage account.
Free download pdf